selet buyer and seller in one table at the same time

  • There is a table which has:




    PersonNameType either = buyer or = seller

    Each transcation# list twice. bacause the record need to link with "Buyer" one time and "Seller" second time


    PersonName PersonNameType Transaction #

    John buyer 00001

    Mary Seller 00001

    How can I write a qury to get the result as below:

    Transaction # Buyer' Name Seller's Name

    00001 John Mary


  • This should help you start figuring it out.

    SELECT a.Personname AS Buyer, b.PersonName AS Seller,a.transactionnum

    FROM sometable a

    INNER JOIN sometable b

    ON a.transactionnum = b.transactionnum

    WHERE a.personnametype = 'buyer'

    AND b.personnametype = 'seller'

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • You can also do it this way:

    SELECT [Buyer],[Seller], TransactionNumber

    FROM (

    SELECT PersonName,



    FROM Transactions

    ) AS B

    PIVOT (

    MIN( PersonName )

    FOR PersonNameType IN ( [Buyer], [Seller] )

    ) AS P

    You get one less scan of the table, but I wouldn't do it if you don't know that you have good data.

  • CELKO (2/7/2012)

    This is minimal polite behavior on a SQL forum.

    Seriously? Would you like to be the pot, or the kettle, for the remainder of that conversation?

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

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    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • Thanks a lot the helps, even with addtional choice!!!!

  • Evil Kraig F (2/7/2012)

    CELKO (2/7/2012)

    This is minimal polite behavior on a SQL forum.

    Seriously? Would you like to be the pot, or the kettle, for the remainder of that conversation?

    Craig! :laugh:

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