May 7, 2007 at 10:33 am
Hello I hope someone can help with this. I have the following SQL Statement (This came from an Access Query that i am trying to rewrite in SQL)
SELECT tblEXHIBITORS.[MEI ID], tblEXHIBITORS.[Company Name], IIf([new]=-1,"NEW","") AS NewContract, IIf([new]=Yes,[rep name],"") AS RepName2, tblACCOUNTREP.[Rep Name], tblCONTRACT.[Total Booth Cost], tblCONTRACT.[Booth Cost], tblCONTRACT.[Second Story Cost], tblCONTRACT.[Booth Type], tblCONTRACT.[Square Footage], tblCONTRACT.[Booth Number], tblCONTRACT.Year
WHERE (((tblCONTRACT.Year)="2008") AND ((tblCONTRACT.Cancelled)=No))
ORDER BY tblEXHIBITORS.[Company Name];
I am unable to get the IIF( color purple) successfully converted to Case statements
I event went as far as looking at the design view in SQL Server to get the statment rewritting but that on I am having difficulty with
I can do the following
Select [new] =
When new = 1 then 'New'
Else ''
I need to fingure out how to get this in the top part of the select statement,
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
May 7, 2007 at 10:53 am
case [new] when -1 then 'NEW'
else ''
end AS NewContract,
case [new] when 'Yes' then [rep name] else '' end AS RepName2, ....
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May 7, 2007 at 10:53 am
Humm, this should work. Unless, the new column is saved as -1 on the server. What error are you getting? Could you also post some sample data and the required results you need so that we can post the final solution on the first try?
May 7, 2007 at 10:56 am
Basic case example ... check the output of this script ...
declare @fp int;
set @fp = -1;
select case @fp
when -1 then 'NEW'
else ''
set @fp = @fp+1;
select case @fp
when -1 then 'NEW'
else ''
I think you can easily convert the case. Also these is one more script from sql server 2000 online help to clear up some confusion.
USE pubsGOSELECT Category = CASE type WHEN 'popular_comp' THEN 'Popular Computing' WHEN 'mod_cook' THEN 'Modern Cooking' WHEN 'business' THEN 'Business' WHEN 'psychology' THEN 'Psychology' WHEN 'trad_cook' THEN 'Traditional Cooking' ELSE 'Not yet categorized' END, CAST(title AS varchar(25)) AS 'Shortened Title', price AS PriceFROM titlesWHERE price IS NOT NULLORDER BY type, priceCOMPUTE AVG(price) BY typeGO
I hop i helped
May 7, 2007 at 11:01 am
ALZDBA, thank you very much
That worked like a champ. You rock
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