Selecting the latest records, GROUP BY

  • I have a single table with three columns as follows:



    11450       Sales              10/01/2001

    11450       Sales Divsion      10/30/2002

    11450       Sales Dept.        10/30/2003

    11550       Computer Dept      11/20/2002

    11550       IT Division        12/31/2003

    11600       Payroll Dept       06/30/2003

    11600       Human Resources    07/15/2004

    How can I write a single select statement to bring back the department (and its associated name) with the latest date stamp?  My result set should appear as follows:

    11450       Sales Dept.        10/30/2003

    11550       IT Division        12/31/2003

    11600       Human Resources    07/15/2004


  • You need a Corellated SubQuery for this.

    Try this,

    SELECT A.Dept_ID, A.Dept_Name, A.Date_Stamp

    FROM Departments A

    WHERE Date_Stamp IN (SELECT MAX(Date_Stamp)

    FROM Departments B

    WHERE A.DeptI_D = B.Dept_ID)

    Kindest Regards,

  • Trigger,

    Thanks for your assistance.  Your SQL helped greatly.  Now to expand on the original question.  What if my table is set up as follows:



    11450       Sales              10/01/2001      183220

    11450       Sales Division     10/30/2002      196702

    11450       Sales Dept.        10/30/2002      197804

    11550       Computer Dept      11/20/2002      196456

    11550       IT Division        12/31/2003      164543

    11600       Payroll Dept       06/30/2003      098736

    11600       Human Resources    07/15/2004      076443

    Notice I now have two records for department 11450 with the same date stamp (10/30/2002) but different time stamps.  How do I modify your original query to pull back the correct result set as follows (latest date stamp AND latest time stamp):

    11450       Sales Dept.        10/30/2003

    11550       IT Division        12/31/2003

    11600       Human Resources    07/15/2004

    Thanks again for your help.

  • Sorry for taking so long to get back to you, I rarely look at the forums on weekends.

    Just use the same query only this time select the TIME_STAMP Column as well like below.

    SELECT A.Dept_ID, A.Dept_Name, A.Date_Stamp, A.Time_Stamp

    FROM Departments A

    WHERE Date_Stamp IN (SELECT MAX(Date_Stamp)

    FROM Departments B

    WHERE A.DeptI_D = B.Dept_ID)

    Kindest Regards,

  • Hi,

    Veteran might have overlooked something. Try:

    SELECT A.Dept_ID, 



    FROM Departments A

    WHERE A.Date_Stamp = (SELECT MAX(Date_Stamp)

       FROM Departments B

       WHERE A.Dept_ID = B.Dept_ID)


     A.Time_Stamp = (SELECT MAX(Time_Stamp)

       FROM Departments C

       WHERE A.Dept_ID = C.Dept_ID AND

        A.Date_Stamp = C.Date_Stamp)


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