Selecting out specific data

  • I have 2 tables. I am selecting out some columns from each. Very simple. There is an account table, and a payment table. I selecting out company info, and then a payment date. It is returning 1 row for each payment entry. I ONLY want 1 row returned for each account, with the most recent payment date. I just am drawing a blank. Haven't had my coffee yet.

    Also, I would rather not select out into a temp table, because I am using this code for a sql report. Thanks!

  • you definitely need some coffee; god knows i've drawn blanks like that before my daily caffiene infusion.

    if you need the max(payment date) per company, you simply need a group by;

    something like:

    select [company info], sum(payments) ,max([payment date]) from sometable group by [company info]


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  • Something like this ?

    with cteAccounts



    Select AcctNo,Payment,Date,row_number() over (partition by AcctNo order by Date desc) as Rown

    from Accounts


    select * from cteAccounts

    where RowN = 1

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Thanks for the replies. I guess I should explain the entire situation. I tried the first solution, and it didn't give me duplicate rows on the company, but it only returned a few rows. It didnt return a record for all of the application companies. There is a variable that the user passes in, which is year. This is what it looks like as of now:

    SELECT ab.Name, aeb.New_MembershipType, MAX(ieb.New_PaidDate) AS paiddate, SUM(ieb.New_PaidAmount) AS paidamt

    FROM AccountExtensionBase aeb INNER JOIN

    InvoiceBase ib ON ib.AccountId = aeb.AccountId INNER JOIN

    InvoiceExtensionBase ieb ON ieb.InvoiceId = ib.InvoiceId INNER JOIN

    AccountBase ab ON ab.AccountId = aeb.AccountId

    WHERE (ib.Name LIKE '%membership%') AND (aeb.New_MembershipType = 1) AND (ab.StateCode = 0)

    GROUP BY ab.Name

    HAVING (MAX(DATEPART(year, ieb.New_PaidDate)) < @year)

    I tried formatting the code to look like the second suggestion, but returned an error on the partition.

    with topaccounts


    (select, aeb.new_membershiptype, ieb.new_paiddate, row_number() over (partition by ab.accountid order by new_paiddate) as rown

    from accountextensionbase aeb INNER JOIN

    invoicebase ib ON ib.accountid = aeb.accountid INNER JOIN

    invoiceextensionbase ieb ON ieb.invoiceid = ib.invoiceid INNER JOIN

    accountbase ab ON ab.accountid = aeb.accountid

    where like '%membership%' and aeb.new_membershiptype = 1 and ab.statecode = 0

    group by new_paiddate, aeb.accountid,, aeb.new_membershiptype

    having MAX(datepart(year,new_paiddate))< 2008

    order by new_paiddate desc)

    select * from topaccounts

    where rown = 1

    Now that you know the secrets I was hiding, any ideas?? 😉

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