Selecting only the max row

  • Lets say I have 2 seconds.

    ABC     T     5

    ABC     D     9

    How can I say 'return the max row'  (The column with 5 or 9).  Do I have to reference the table to itself to find the max number first then use a join to the orginal table on the max number??

    Basically I have a big view, but I only want to return the Max row. 

  • I would probably use a query similar to this:

    SELECT *

         FROM [Table]

         WHERE [Column] = ( SELECT MAX([Column]) FROM [Table] )

  • --If you only want to return one row you can use:


    top 1 *




    by col desc

    --this is especially useful if you want to eliminate ties,
    --since you can add more columns to the ORDER BY clause.
    --If you need to return more than one row
    --(i.e. you have a GROUP BY clause)
    --and you need to eliminate ties,
    --then things get a bit more complicated....

    Tim Wilkinson

    "If it doesn't work in practice, you're using the wrong theory"
    - Immanuel Kant

  • I'm returning more then one row, but that 'top 1' is a good idea to remember for other things.  Thanks guys.

  • If you only want one or two values from the row, you can concatenate them before doing MAX, then extract them back out with SUBSTRING. This often requires converting some columns to CHAR(x).


    SELECT SUBSTRING(MAX(CAST(column as char(10)) + CAST(othervalue as CHAR(8)), 11, 8) AS othervalue_for_max_of_column

    I used this technique to avoid creating temporary tables, etc, below.

    UPDATE [mytable]

    SET preferred = CASE WHEN p.rec_id IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END

    FROM [mytable] sf LEFT JOIN


     +CASE deleted when 0 then '1' else '0' END


     +CONVERT(CHAR(10),rec_id)),24,10)) AS rec_id

     FROM [mytable]

     GROUP BY upc_number) AS p

     ON sf.rec_id = p.rec_id

    WHERE coalesce(preferred,-1) <> CASE WHEN p.rec_id IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END

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