selecting only 1 row among date columns

  • I have a table which has the following 5 columns :

    name | date | AAA | BBB | CCC

    A 10/10/2009

    A 9/9/2009

    B 10/10/2009

    B 9/9/2009

    B 8/8/2009

    C 1/2/2008

    D 3/5/2007

    E 2/3/2009

    F 1/10/2009

    F 2/10/2009

    F 3/10/2009

    F 4/10/2009


    I need t-sql to display only those rows with the most recent date.

    result should be

    name | date | AAA | BBB | CCC

    A 10/10/2009

    B 10/10/2009

    C 1/2/2008

    D 3/5/2007

    E 2/3/2009

    F 4/10/2009


  • sql2000-915039 (10/30/2009)

    I need t-sql to display only those rows with the most recent date.

    select name,max(date),max(col1)...

    from MYTABLE

    GROUP BY name

  • Actually, using SQL Server 2005, this may be the better choice as it keeps the data with the appropriate rows.

    create table #MyTest (

    [name] char(1),

    [date] datetime,

    [AAA] varchar(10) null,

    [BBB] varchar(10) null,

    [CCC] varchar(10) null


    insert into #MyTest([name],[date], [AAA])

    select 'A', '2009-10-10', '10' union all

    select 'A', '2009-09-09', '9' union all

    select 'B', '2009-10-10', '12' union all

    select 'B', '2009-09-09', '11' union all

    select 'B', '2009-08-08', '10' union all

    select 'C', '2008-01-02', '1' union all

    select 'D', '2007-03-05', '1' union all

    select 'E', '2009-02-03', '1' union all

    select 'F', '2009-01-10', '4' union all

    select 'F', '2009-02-10', '3' union all

    select 'F', '2009-03-10', '2' union all

    select 'F', '2009-04-10', '1';

    with MyCte (







    ) as (


    row_number() over (partition by [name] order by [date] desc),


















    [RowNumber] = 1;

    drop table #MyTest;

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