Selecting last two orders

  • Very nice. I'll start playing with the solution and see what I get. Thank you for taking the time to work on this.


    PROCEDURE dbo.uspGetLastOrdersForCustomer



        @LastDays INT = 3




    SELECT   CustomerID,



    FROM     (

                 SELECT CustomerID,

                        CreateDate AS ShipDate,


                        DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY CustomerID ORDER BY DATEDIFF(DAY, dt, 0)) AS RecID

                 FROM   Shipments

                 WHERE  CustomerID = @CustomerID

             ) AS d

    WHERE    RecID <= @LastDays

    ORDER BY ShipDate DESC


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Sweet. Works like a charm. I also like how you've added number of days as a parameter. I can add days as a selection on our tracking site and pass that in. You've been a great help. Hopefully someday I can return the favor.

  • I see you used DENSE_RANK() vs. ROW_NUMBER().

    So if I understand how this works.  ROW_NUMBER() would be used if you want the top N rows by customer.

    and DENSE_RANK() will return all rows for the top 2 (customer,Day) combinations?

    Really Nice...  

  • ROW_NUMBER() will give a unique number within the partition regardless of order by.

    DENSE_RANK() will give a "rownumber" depending on order by.

    If column used in order by has multiple values, all get same rank value.

    The trick here is not dense_rank. It is DATEDIFF(DAY, dt, 0)

    It calulates the number of days passed since January 1, 1900. BUT IN THE OTHER ORDER!

    So for 20070830, the result is -39322 (a whole integer too, regardless of time information in dt).

    So for 20070831, the result is -39323 (a whole integer too, regardless of time information in

    And I sort by that number, which gives newest dates are first!

    I could do an order by DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, dt) DESC

    but that takes longer time, since the datediff must be calculated first, AND THEN an extra descending. No need. Just do a DATEDIFF(DAY, dt, 0) instead. Voila, in one step.


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • This has been a great experience. It's nice to converse with other developers/DBA's for a change. I have been the sole IT guy for a small business for 7 years and never really get to talk things over with anyone IT. Thanks again.

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