Selecting from various DBs

  • I need to run the same select statement against multiple databases so I'm trying to create a sproc with a dbName parameter. I am getting the following error message. Could someone please tell me what i'm doing wrong. I think is something simple, but not sure what. Thanks

    Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure srptGrossProfitSalesByLibrary, Line 30

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'CASE'.




    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[srptGrossProfitSalesByLibrary] Script Date: 08/21/2007 09:06:25 ******/







    -- =============================================

    -- Author: Dean Gross

    -- Create date: 8/13/2007

    -- Description: Calculate GPS

    -- =============================================


    PROCEDURE [dbo].[srptGrossProfitSalesByLibrary]

    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here


    nvarchar(10) = PARFLS --database to query

    ,@GBU nvarchar(10) = PAR --global business unit

    ,@BookedDate smalldatetime = '20061231' --get bookings after this date

    ,@debug bit = 0


    --DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max) -- sql statement


    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    --TODO add database parameter so that multiple dbs can be used easily

    SELECT dbo.Programs.Program

    , LEFT(loc.Work_Location, 1) + '0' AS DivNum

    , CASE WHEN LEFT(loc.Work_Location, 1)+ '0' = '80' THEN 'Buildings' ELSE d.[Division Name] END AS Division

    , JM.Job_Number AS Job

    , Cust.Customer_Name AS Customer

    , Emp.Employee_First_and_Last_Name AS BDRep

    , SUM(BudDet.Budgeted_Cost_Amount) AS [Budgeted GPS]

    , dbo.Calendar.FP AS FinPer

    , dbo.Calendar.FY AS FinYear

    , 'New' AS GPSType

    CASE @dbName


    FROM dbo.Divisions AS d

    INNER JOIN dbo.Calendar

    INNER JOIN parfls.dbo.BudgetDetail AS BudDet

    INNER JOIN parfls.dbo.JobMaster AS JM ON BudDet.Job_Number = JM.Job_Number

    INNER JOIN parfls.dbo.Customer AS Cust

    ON JM.Customer_Number = Cust.Customer_Number

    INNER JOIN parfls.dbo.WorkLocation AS Loc

    ON JM.Office_Number = Loc.Work_Location

    INNER JOIN parfls.dbo.CostTypeReporting AS CTR

    ON BudDet.Cost_Type = CTR.CostType

    ON dbo.Calendar.dt = JM.Job_Booked_Date

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Programs

    INNER JOIN dbo.CustomerPrograms

    ON dbo.Programs.ProgramID = dbo.CustomerPrograms.ProgramID

    ON JM.Customer_Number = dbo.CustomerPrograms.Customer_number

    LEFT OUTER JOIN parfls.dbo.HrEmployee AS Emp

    INNER JOIN parfls.dbo.BusinessDevelopment AS BD

    ON Emp.Employee_Number = BD.Business_Development_Rep

    ON JM.Job_Number = BD.Job_Number

    ON d.[Division Number] = LEFT(Loc.Work_Location, 1) + '0'


    FROM dbo.Divisions AS d

    INNER JOIN dbo.Calendar

    INNER JOIN canfls.dbo.BudgetDetail AS BudDet

    INNER JOIN canfls.dbo.JobMaster AS JM ON BudDet.Job_Number = JM.Job_Number

    INNER JOIN canfls.dbo.Customer AS Cust

    ON JM.Customer_Number = Cust.Customer_Number

    INNER JOIN canfls.dbo.WorkLocation AS Loc

    ON JM.Office_Number = Loc.Work_Location

    INNER JOIN canfls.dbo.CostTypeReporting AS CTR

    ON BudDet.Cost_Type = CTR.CostType

    ON dbo.Calendar.dt = JM.Job_Booked_Date

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Programs

    INNER JOIN dbo.CustomerPrograms

    ON dbo.Programs.ProgramID = dbo.CustomerPrograms.ProgramID

    ON JM.Customer_Number = dbo.CustomerPrograms.Customer_number

    LEFT OUTER JOIN canfls.dbo.HrEmployee AS Emp

    INNER JOIN canfls.dbo.BusinessDevelopment AS BD

    ON Emp.Employee_Number = BD.Business_Development_Rep

    ON JM.Job_Number = BD.Job_Number

    ON d.[Division Number] = LEFT(Loc.Work_Location, 1) + 0


    WHERE (JM.Job_Booked_Date > CONVERT(DATETIME, '2007-01-01 00:00:00', 102))

    AND (CTR.RptGroup = 'gp')

    AND (JM.Office_Number BETWEEN '200' AND '899')

    AND (d.GBU = @GBU)

    GROUP BY JM.Office_Number

    , Cust.Customer_Name

    , JM.Job_Number

    , Emp.Employee_First_and_Last_Name

    , Loc.Work_Location, d.[Division Name]

    , dbo.Calendar.FP

    , dbo.Calendar.FY

    , d.[Division Number]

    , dbo.Programs.Program

    HAVING (SUM(BudDet.Budgeted_Cost_Amount) <> 0)


  • missing a comma up there before one of the CASE statements.

    CASE when ... end

    is like a column. Needs commas to separate out.

    You have

    select x

    , y

    case when ...

    , z

    Need the command between Y and CASE

  • you can't 'CASE ... WHEN ...' the from, where clauses in a SQL. try using some others... perhaps like following :

    select <col1>, <col2>....

    from < all where, group by ... staff from 'PARFLS' with a extra cond. @dbName= 'PARFLS' >

    Union All

    select <col1>, <col2>....

    from < all where, group by ... staff from 'CANFLS' with a extra cond. @dbName= 'CANFLS'>

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