selecting from a table name in string format

  • is there some way to allow this to execute, using a function or something?:


    select * from 'cusomer'


    you see i have a list of about 300 table name in string format, and i want to use a cursor to itterate through each table, but as all the table names are in string format i cant get it done. any ideas??

  • --You can run this in QA

    Declare @tablename varchar(50)

    Declare @SQLCommand varchar(350)

    Declare Cursor1 Cursor Static ForWard_Only For


     FROM sysobjects 

     WHERE sysobjects.type = 'U'

    Open Cursor1

    Fetch Next From Cursor1 Into  @TableName

    While @@Fetch_status = 0


     select @TableName

     Select @SQLCommand = 'Select * from '+ ltrim(rtrim(@TableName))       

     exec( @SQLCommand)

     Fetch Next From Cursor1 Into  @TableName

    End -- While Fetch

    Close Cursor1

    Deallocate Cursor1

    When you 've got a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail...

  • thank you. very helpful. much appriciated.

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