September 7, 2010 at 5:49 am
I hope this is a quick one for someone as it's flumoxed me.
I have 2 SQL statements that output 496 (top statement) and 494 records respectively. The SQL is as follows:
-Top select
SELECT ClientID,ReferralNumber,AppointmentDate,ActualTime--,Count(*)
FROM dbo.vwBRSAppointmentsNPD
WHERE SpecialtyReferredTo='ICNR'
AND AppointmentContactCancellationDateTime IS NULL
AND AppointmentDate between '30-aug-2010' AND '05-sep-2010'
ORDER BY ClientID,ReferralNumber,AppointmentDate,ActualTime;
--Bottom Select
FROM dbo.vwBRSAppointmentsNPD As APP
LEFT OUTER JOIN SchemaBRS.AmsReferralTeam As RT on APP.ClientID=RT.ClientID and APP.ReferralNumber=RT.ReferralID
WHERE SpecialtyReferredTo='ICNR'
AND APP.AppointmentContactCancellationDateTime IS NULL
AND APP.AppointmentDate between '30-aug-2010' AND '05-sep-2010'
AND RT.Sequenceid = (SELECT TOP 1 RT2.Sequenceid
FROM SchemaBRS.AmsReferralTeam As RT2
WHERE RT2.ClientID = RT.ClientID
AND RT2.ReferralID = RT.ReferralID
AND AppointmentDate between '30-aug-2010' AND '05-sep-2010'
AND AppointmentDate>=StartDate
AND (AppointmentDate<=EndDate OR EndDate IS NULL)
ORDER BY RT2.Startdate)
ORDER BY APP.ClientID,APP.ReferralNumber,APP.AppointmentDate,ActualTime;
There is no primary key to this data, but what I want to select is the 2 extra records selected by the top select that aren't included in the bottom select.
I have tried the 'Not In' predicate based on the ClientID, but got no-where (zero records output). I have also tried the 'Not Exists' predicate with the same result, although I am pretty unfamiliar with the latter and I'm pretty obviously doing something wrong.
If anyone can help, that would be great and save me an immense amount of time as I'm going to have to carry out this exercise across a lot of different datasets.
September 7, 2010 at 5:58 am
Try this:-
--Modified Bottom Select
OneOfMissingRows = CASE WHEN f.Sequenceid IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
FROM dbo.vwBRSAppointmentsNPD As APP
LEFT OUTER JOIN SchemaBRS.AmsReferralTeam As RT on APP.ClientID=RT.ClientID and APP.ReferralNumber=RT.ReferralID
SELECT Sequenceid, ClientID, ReferralID
FROM SchemaBRS.AmsReferralTeam As RT2
WHERE AppointmentDate between '30-aug-2010' AND '05-sep-2010'
AND AppointmentDate>=StartDate
AND (AppointmentDate<=EndDate OR EndDate IS NULL)
GROUP BY Sequenceid, ClientID, ReferralID
) f ON f.Sequenceid = RT.Sequenceid AND f.ClientID = RT.ClientID AND F.ReferralID = RT.ReferralID
WHERE SpecialtyReferredTo='ICNR' -- common
AND APP.AppointmentContactCancellationDateTime IS NULL -- common
AND APP.AppointmentDate between '30-aug-2010' AND '05-sep-2010' -- common
ORDER BY APP.ClientID, APP.ReferralNumber, APP.AppointmentDate, ActualTime;
For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden
September 7, 2010 at 6:09 am
You might also consider using the EXCEPT keyword to keep your code neater and more concise. I don't know whether there are any performance differences between that and Chris's example - you'd have to test that.
September 7, 2010 at 9:46 am
Thanks Chris - looks a lot neater - the only problem I have is that the innermost select fails as the AppointmentDate field where I'm setting some date parameters only occurs in the vwBRSAppointmentsNPD table and I'm having problems joining this back to the AmsReferralTeam table (not sure where to put the join or what sort of join to use).
September 7, 2010 at 9:47 am
Thanks John - I've never heard of 'Except' but I'll look it up.
September 8, 2010 at 2:19 am
richard.kirby (9/7/2010)
Thanks Chris - looks a lot neater - the only problem I have is that the innermost select fails as the AppointmentDate field where I'm setting some date parameters only occurs in the vwBRSAppointmentsNPD table and I'm having problems joining this back to the AmsReferralTeam table (not sure where to put the join or what sort of join to use).Cheers
What are the join columns between them?
--Modified Bottom Select
OneOfMissingRows = CASE WHEN f.Sequenceid IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
FROM dbo.vwBRSAppointmentsNPD As APP
Sequenceid = MAX(Sequenceid),
FROM SchemaBRS.AmsReferralTeam As RT2
GROUP BY ClientID, ReferralID
) f ON f.ClientID = APP.ClientID AND F.ReferralID = APP.ReferralNumber
WHERE APP.SpecialtyReferredTo = 'ICNR'
AND APP.AppointmentContactCancellationDateTime IS NULL
AND APP.AppointmentDate between '30-aug-2010' AND '05-sep-2010'
ORDER BY APP.ClientID, APP.ReferralNumber, APP.AppointmentDate, APP.ActualTime
For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden
September 8, 2010 at 2:41 am
Hi Chris - it's ClientID.
September 8, 2010 at 6:12 am
John Mitchell-245523 (9/7/2010)
You might also consider using the EXCEPT keyword to keep your code neater and more concise. I don't know whether there are any performance differences between that and Chris's example - you'd have to test that.John
If it's just to see which 2 lines are the difference, except is really the way to go. All I had to do to get from the query in your question to the query with except is comment the 1st order by clause and drop the except keyword in between your 2 queries:
--Top select
SELECT ClientID,ReferralNumber,AppointmentDate,ActualTime--,Count(*)
FROM dbo.vwBRSAppointmentsNPD
WHERE SpecialtyReferredTo='ICNR'
AND AppointmentContactCancellationDateTime IS NULL
AND AppointmentDate between '30-aug-2010' AND '05-sep-2010'
--ORDER BY ClientID,ReferralNumber,AppointmentDate,ActualTime;
--Bottom Select
FROM dbo.vwBRSAppointmentsNPD As APP
LEFT OUTER JOIN SchemaBRS.AmsReferralTeam As RT on APP.ClientID=RT.ClientID and APP.ReferralNumber=RT.ReferralID
WHERE SpecialtyReferredTo='ICNR'
AND APP.AppointmentContactCancellationDateTime IS NULL
AND APP.AppointmentDate between '30-aug-2010' AND '05-sep-2010'
AND RT.Sequenceid = (SELECT TOP 1 RT2.Sequenceid
FROM SchemaBRS.AmsReferralTeam As RT2
WHERE RT2.ClientID = RT.ClientID
AND RT2.ReferralID = RT.ReferralID
AND AppointmentDate between '30-aug-2010' AND '05-sep-2010'
AND AppointmentDate>=StartDate
AND (AppointmentDate<=EndDate OR EndDate IS NULL)
ORDER BY RT2.Startdate)
ORDER BY APP.ClientID,APP.ReferralNumber,APP.AppointmentDate,ActualTime;
Except syntax is very similar to union's. Basically all it does is described by "return all rows from the 1st resultset that are not in the 2nd".
September 8, 2010 at 7:48 am
richard.kirby (9/7/2010)
Thanks John - I've never heard of 'Except' but I'll look it up.Cheers
Here's an example, using your provided code:
--Top select
SELECT ClientID,ReferralNumber,AppointmentDate,ActualTime
FROM dbo.vwBRSAppointmentsNPD
WHERE SpecialtyReferredTo='ICNR'
AND AppointmentContactCancellationDateTime IS NULL
AND AppointmentDate between '30-aug-2010' AND '05-sep-2010'
--ORDER BY ClientID,ReferralNumber,AppointmentDate,ActualTime;
EXCEPT --<<<<<< Added this >>>>>>--
--Bottom Select
FROM dbo.vwBRSAppointmentsNPD As APP
LEFT OUTER JOIN SchemaBRS.AmsReferralTeam As RT on APP.ClientID=RT.ClientID and APP.ReferralNumber=RT.ReferralID
WHERE SpecialtyReferredTo='ICNR'
AND APP.AppointmentContactCancellationDateTime IS NULL
AND APP.AppointmentDate between '30-aug-2010' AND '05-sep-2010'
AND RT.Sequenceid = (SELECT TOP 1 RT2.Sequenceid
FROM SchemaBRS.AmsReferralTeam As RT2
WHERE RT2.ClientID = RT.ClientID
AND RT2.ReferralID = RT.ReferralID
AND AppointmentDate between '30-aug-2010' AND '05-sep-2010'
AND AppointmentDate>=StartDate
AND (AppointmentDate<=EndDate OR EndDate IS NULL)
ORDER BY RT2.Startdate)
--ORDER BY APP.ClientID,APP.ReferralNumber,APP.AppointmentDate,ActualTime;
The only other thing I did besides adding the EXCEPT operator was to remark out the ORDER BY lines.
Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes
September 8, 2010 at 9:27 am
Cheers and thanks for this - I didn't know until now that there was a 'reverse' of union so to speak.
September 8, 2010 at 9:28 am
Hi Wayne - works as well!
Such a simple thing has will increase the efficiency of myself and a few colleagues immensely.
Great stuff all round.
September 8, 2010 at 9:55 am
richard.kirby (9/8/2010)
Hi Wayne - works as well!Such a simple thing has will increase the efficiency of myself and a few colleagues immensely.
Great stuff all round.
It's worthwhile to get to know the new features added into sql. Play with this a little, and you'll see lots of possibilities for things.
Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes
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