selecting by week?

  • when dealing with date values...

    what exactly is the methodology for selecting data

    by the last 4 weeks, and not by range of dates.

    the dates are in this format: 20070718

    i simply want to create a select statement which will

    pull data from the last x number of weeks.

    is there a simple way to do this?

    thanks in advance.


  • declare

    @d datetime


    @d = '20070718'


    * from xxx where datefield >= dateadd(wk,-4,@d)

  • so this can be automated?

    i mean if i build this into a job, do i have to go

    back and edit the (set @d = 'today') every time?

    thanks in advance.


  • set @d = getdate()

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • i'm getting the following error:

    Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 5

    Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.

    is there some thing i did wrong?


  • One of your fileds is not a datetime!

    Make sure they both are :

    select * from xxx where datefield >= dateadd(wk,-4,getdate())

    * Noel

  • [DATEFIELD]column is the following:

    Type: int

    Computed: no

    Lenth: 4

    Prec: 10

    Scale: 0

    Nullable: yes

    TrimTrailingBlanks: n/a

    FixedLenNullInSource: n/a

    Collation: null

    this is the column definition... does this help at all,

    i mean is this useful?


  • select * from xxx where


    >= dateadd(wk,-4,getdate()

    not the best solution performance-wise due to inadequate sarg (search argument)

    better would be to convert to integer value before the select statement.


    @d datetime


    @dn int


    @d = dateadd(wk,-4,getdate())


    @dn = convert(int, convert(varchar(4),year(@d)) + Replicate('0', 2 - len(convert(varchar(2),month(@d)))) + convert(varchar(2),month(@d))+ Replicate('0', 2 - len(convert(varchar(2),day(@d)))) + convert(varchar(2),day(@d)))

    select * from xxx where datefield >= @dn


  • yikes... i may be in over my head on this one.

    i thought it could be a simple one-line script

    or some thing.

    all this just to get the last 4 wks from values

    like this: 20070718

    there's no other way?

    thanks for all your help by the way.


  • my services are no longer rendered, sorry.

  • Just teasing,

    actually this is how you should do it and I'm pretty sure there is no better way

    declare @dn int

    set @dn = convert(int,(convert(varchar(8),dateadd(wk,-4,getdate()),112)))

    select * from xxx where datefield >= @dn


  • And if you absolutely have to have it in one line

    select * from xxx where datefield >= convert(int,(convert(varchar(8),dateadd(wk,-4,getdate()),112)))

  • is no problem. thanks for all your help any way


  • Can you redefine the column to be type datetime.  It makes calculations simpler.

  • ken... many thanks!


    not really. i i'm only responsible for getting the data

    across in the quickest way possible, and can't really

    make changes to the columns, or the data.

    good question though.


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