Selecting a parameter takes too long...

  • I have a few similar reports with the same parameters:

    From date

    To date


    Business Entity


    When I select, for example, Hierarchy parameter it takes about 7 seconds to reload the page

    with the selected value. I tried similar reports and it only takes 1 second to refresh the page.

    Is there something wrong with the reports that take too long to refresh parameters?

  • Are there any parameters following it that are filtered by it?

  • Based on

    Hierarchy parameter a list of

    Business Entity gets refreshed.

    But the same process is in all those reports.

    And more to that.

    Even when you select a Date from Calendar

    it takes too long to refresh the page.

    I am doing the same thing in a similar report (VEGA)

    and to select a date takes less than a second.

    Actually even to open that slow report (VEGA 2X3)

    takes too long. I mean not run just to open it.

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