Select with no headers

  • Short question.. Is there a way to execute a select statement within a stored proc and not have the column names output?

    I am dynamically adding a column to a table (I have created a temp table that contains the list of tables and new columns). Before I add it, I check to see if it already exists, using a select * from syscolumns...  and then check the value of @@rowcount.

    SET FMTONLY ON will not return the data, however my create temp table does not work.


  • information_schema.columns is one you needed.

    if exists(select * from information_schema.columns where Table_name='YourTable' and column_name = 'YourColumn')

      print 'add column'


      print 'exists'

  • I still have the problem.  I can do the select statement, but the results are still displaying to the results pane..

    Below is part of the code I'm running and the full result set..

    Code snippet...


          WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = @vOwner AND TABLE_NAME = @vTblname AND COLUMN_NAME = @vColname'

     SET @parmdef = N'@vOwner varchar(3), @vTblname varchar(64), @vColname varchar(64)'

     EXECUTE sp_executesql @findSQL, @parmdef, @vOwner = @owner, @vTblname = @oldtbl, @vColname = @cmscol

     IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0


      SET @alterSQL = @initalterSQL + @oldtbl + ' ADD ' + @cmscol + @addcoltype

      EXECUTE (@alterSQL)

      print @@ERROR



    Full Results of sp...

    Table: VETINFO

    Adding CID col.




    Finish adding CID col.

    Adding CID Type cols.

    Table does not require type column.

    Finish adding CID Type cols.

    The stuff in RED is what I'm trying to get rid of.. Is there anyway, other than using SET FMTONLY ON, to suppress the result set of the SELECT?

    Thanks, Elizabeth

  • Little change to the code.

     SET @findSQL = 'declare @suppress sysname;SELECT @suppress=table_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS

          WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = @vOwner AND TABLE_NAME = @vTblname AND COLUMN_NAME = @vColname'

     SET @parmdef = N'@vOwner varchar(3), @vTblname varchar(64), @vColname varchar(64)'

     EXECUTE sp_executesql @findSQL, @parmdef, @vOwner = @owner, @vTblname = @oldtbl, @vColname = @cmscol

     IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0

       print 'Not exists'


       print 'Exists'

  • That worked!!

    Thanks for your help!!

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