Select where one date must include others

  • I have got one table tblOperations, containing data on funds (IDTitre) for subscriber (IDSouscripteur) with parts they purchase (NbPartOperation) per date (DateLiberation) and one table tblRetros with amount per funds (Ret_Titre) and period (Ret_Periode).

    I created a view for summing all parts by share "SELECT IDTitre, SUM(NbPartOperation) AS iTotalNbrParts FROM dbo.tblOperations GROUP BY IDTitre"

    I create another view summing all part by share and subscriber "SELECT IDTitre, IDSouscripteur, SUM(NbPartOperation) AS iNbrParts FROM dbo.tblOperations GROUP BY IDTitre, IDSouscripteur"

    I have a problem with those 2 views as I need to join them with the table tblRetros which doesn't contain the dates


    I can have this:

    (tblOperations) Date, Funds, Subscriber, Parts

    10/1/2005, 1, 100, 10

    15/1/2005, 1, 200, 30

    20/1/2005, 1, 100, 40

    26/1/2005, 2, 100, 10

    16/2/2005, 2, 100, 10

    15/2/2005, 1, 200, 30

    (tblRetros) Date, Funds, Amount

    31/1/2005, 1, 15000

    31/1/2005, 2, 5000

    20/2/2005, 1, 20000

    20/2/2005, 2, 7000

    This would give a vwPartsByFunds where date <= 20/2/2005
    Funds, Parts
    1, 31/1/2005, 80
    2, 31/1/2005, 10
    1, 20/2/2005, 110
    2, 20/2/2005, 20

    So how can I tweak that view so I can display the tblRetros data where as any date below 31/1 should say display the 31/1 value; any date > 31/1 and <= 20/2 should display the 20/2 value. Thanks ! Here is the table's definition: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblOperations] (
    [IDOperation] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
    [DateOperation] [datetime] NULL ,
    [DateLiberation] [datetime] NULL ,
    [DateApplicationNAV] [datetime] NULL ,
    [IDEmploye] [int] NULL ,
    [IDTitre] [int] NULL ,
    [IDTypeOperation] [smallint] NULL ,
    [IDSouscripteur] [smallint] NULL ,
    [IDReference] [smallint] NULL ,
    [IDDepositaire] [smallint] NULL ,
    [IDTypeMouvement] [smallint] NULL ,
    [MontantOperation] [float] NULL ,
    [CoursOperation] [float] NULL ,
    [NbPartOperation] [float] NULL ,
    [IDStatus] [smallint] NULL ,
    [Comment] [ntext] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
    [Periode] [int] NULL ,
    [Mail] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblRetros] (
    [Ret_Titre] [int] NOT NULL ,
    [Ret_Periode] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
    [Ret_Montant] [float] NOT NULL ,
    [Ret_ts] [timestamp] NOT NULL
    ) ON [PRIMARY]


  • Jean-Luc: Would you submit the join code you're trying?




  • Sounds like you're summing on the unknown date ranges in tblRetros if I read that correctly.

    You might try building a self join of tblRetros with itself to get the date ranges first. Something like:

    create table MyTable

    ( rDate datetime

    , rVal int



    insert MyTable select '12/31/04', 1

    insert MyTable select '1/20/05', 2

    insert MyTable select '2/3/05', 3

    insert MyTable select '3/31/05', 4


    select * from mytable


    select a.rdate 'start'

    , b.rdate 'end'

    from MyTable a, MyTable b

    where a.rDate = ( select max( rdate)

    from MyTable c

    where c.rdate < b.rdate)


    drop table MyTable

    Then join this back to the other tables to get the sums or rows you need.



    create table #tblOperations(Date Datetime,Funds int,SubScriber int, Parts int)

    insert into #tblOperations VALUES('10/1/2005', 1, 100, 10)

    insert into #tblOperations VALUES('15/1/2005', 1, 200, 30)

    insert into #tblOperations VALUES('20/1/2005', 1, 100, 40)

    insert into #tblOperations VALUES('26/1/2005', 2, 100, 10)

    insert into #tblOperations VALUES('16/2/2005', 2, 100, 10)

    insert into #tblOperations VALUES('15/2/2005', 1, 200, 30)

    create table #tblRetros(Date datetime,Funds int, Amount int)

    insert into #tblRetros VALUES ('31/1/2005', 1, 15000)

    insert into #tblRetros VALUES ('31/1/2005', 2, 5000)

    insert into #tblRetros VALUES ('20/2/2005', 1, 20000)

    insert into #tblRetros VALUES ('20/2/2005', 2, 7000)

    select * from #tblOperations

    select * from #tblRetros

    SELECT Funds,Date,

     ( SELECT SUM(Parts)

      FROM #tblOperations

      WHERE Funds=A.Funds AND Date<=A.Date

      GROUP BY Funds



    FROM #tblRetros A

    drop table #tblRetros

    drop table #tblOperations

    Kindest Regards,


  • That is working fine. I need to go another step further (I tried !).

    When running the select the result should be like this:

    Funds, Subscriber, Date, Total Funds, Total Funds for Subscriber

    1, 100,2005-01-31 00:00:00.00080, 50

    1, 200,2005-01-31 00:00:00.00080, 30

    2, 100,2005-01-31 00:00:00.00010, 10

    1, 100,2005-02-20 00:00:00.000110, 50

    1, 200,2005-02-20 00:00:00.000110, 60

    2, 100,2005-02-20 00:00:00.00020, 20




    create table #tblOperations(Date Datetime,Funds int,SubScriber int, Parts int)

    insert into #tblOperations VALUES('10/1/2005', 1, 100, 10)

    insert into #tblOperations VALUES('15/1/2005', 1, 200, 30)

    insert into #tblOperations VALUES('20/1/2005', 1, 100, 40)

    insert into #tblOperations VALUES('26/1/2005', 2, 100, 10)

    insert into #tblOperations VALUES('16/2/2005', 2, 100, 10)

    insert into #tblOperations VALUES('15/2/2005', 1, 200, 30)

    create table #tblRetros(Date datetime,Funds int, Amount int)

    insert into #tblRetros VALUES ('31/1/2005', 1, 15000)

    insert into #tblRetros VALUES ('31/1/2005', 2, 5000)

    insert into #tblRetros VALUES ('20/2/2005', 1, 20000)

    insert into #tblRetros VALUES ('20/2/2005', 2, 7000)

    select * from #tblOperations

    select * from #tblRetros

    SELECT Funds,Date,

     ( SELECT SUM(Parts)

      FROM #tblOperations

      WHERE Funds=A.Funds AND Date<=A.Date

      GROUP BY Funds

    &nbsp AS TotalFunds

    FROM #tblRetros A

    SELECT Funds,Subscriber, Date,TotalFunds,SUM(Parts) TotalSubscriber


    (SELECT A.Funds, a.Date , CASE WHEN A.Date> B.Date THEN 1 ELSE 0 END GoodRow,SubScriber,Parts, ( SELECT SUM(Parts)

      FROM #tblOperations

      WHERE Funds=A.Funds AND Date<=A.Date

      GROUP BY Funds

    &nbsp AS TotalFunds

    FROM #tblRetros A INNER JOIN #tblOperations B ON A.Funds=B.Funds) AAA

    WHERE GoodRow=1

    GROUP BY Funds,Date,Subscriber,TotalFunds

    ORDER BY Date,Funds

    drop table #tblRetros

    drop table #tblOperations

    Kindest Regards,


  • I guess this is what I would call the difference between one who knows and one who doesn't !


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