• Hi,

    I have a query where it returns exact same value for all fields except 1 field.


    CREATE TABLE #Temp1 ( recid int identity (1,1),SiteID INt,TankID INT,TNo INT,PDate DateTime,Gallons INT,Status1 VarCHAR(10))

    INSERt INTO #Temp1 (SiteID ,TankID ,TNo ,PDate ,Gallons ,Status1)

    SELECT 1,2,3,'12-08-2012',2,'On'


    SELECT 1,2,3,'12-08-2012',2,''

    SELECT * FROM #Temp1

    DROP TABLE #Temp1

    The above selects are results from different tables. Is there any way I can eliminate Status1 ='' while inserting in the table ?

  • PSB (5/14/2013)


    I have a query where it returns exact same value for all fields except 1 field.


    CREATE TABLE #Temp1 ( recid int identity (1,1),SiteID INt,TankID INT,TNo INT,PDate DateTime,Gallons INT,Status1 VarCHAR(10))

    INSERt INTO #Temp1 (SiteID ,TankID ,TNo ,PDate ,Gallons ,Status1)

    SELECT 1,2,3,'12-08-2012',2,'On'


    SELECT 1,2,3,'12-08-2012',2,''

    SELECT * FROM #Temp1

    DROP TABLE #Temp1

    The above selects are results from different tables. Is there any way I can eliminate Status1 ='' while inserting in the table ?

    Not really sure what you are asking. I think you are asking if you can skip certain columns for some rows while inserting. NO, that won't work. If you specify the columns you are going to insert and then don't provide values how would sql know which column(s) to skip? Also in your example you are using a union. Any query that has a union MUST have the same number of columns and matching datatypes. If you want to make it NULL instead of an empty string just use the literal NULL instead of ''. Does that answer your question?


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  • Can you insert Alll rows into the Temp Table

    And Then Delete the Records on Status1= ''

    And then SELECT the Data

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