• Hello there,

    I have created a table that stores ID, CustomerID, Date and some other fields.

    Now I want to create a view that lists the TOP 10 Customers per Month which have the highest Count(ID) in that Table. The View should list data for all Months in the table.

    How can I do that?



  • I included a $ column since you sounded as if you wanted the top 10 customers, I assumed you meant in purchasing... You could simply insert these into a #TempTable then call them at the end for a report if that is what you are working upon...


    DECLARE @LastMonth datetime,

     @StartMonth datetime

    SELECT @StartMonth = '01/01/2000' -- arbitrary choice

    SELECT @LastMonth = (SELECT MAX( CONVERT( datetime, [Date])) FROM TableName WHERE ISDATE( [Date]) = 1)

    WHILE @StartMonth <= @LastMonth


     SELECT TOP 10 [ID], CustomerID, CONVERT( varchar, [Date], 101) AS [Date], DollarAmount 

     FROM Awards

     WHERE( DATEPART( year, [Date]) = DATEPART( year, @StartMonth)

       AND DATEPART( month, [Date]) = DATEPART( month, @StartMonth))

     ORDER BY DollarAmount DESC

     SELECT @StartMonth = (SELECT DATEADD( month, 1, @StartMonth))


    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Thanks for your suggestion. I don't want to get the $ amount. Just the top 10 customers with the most records per Month.


    I want to create a view to do it. Not a procedure. So I need a single SQL-Statement to get the results.

  • Hi Markus,

    I think I've found a way to get the results you're looking for in a single query. If you like you can substitue the first view in the second by inline views, but this makes the code even less readable:

    create view CountPerMonthView


    select CustomerID

    , convert(datetime

    ,'01-' + substring(convert(varchar(10)



    ,4, 10)

    ,105) YourConvertedDateColumn

    , count(ID) YourCountID

    from YourTable

    group by CustomerID

    , convert(datetime

    ,'01-' + substring(convert(varchar(10)



    ,4, 10)



    create view Top10PerMonthView


    select CustomerID

    , YourConvertedDateColumn

    , YourCountID

    from CountPerMonthView v

    where convert(varchar(10), YourConvertedDateColumn, 105) +

    '_' + cast(CustomerID as varchar(10))


    (select top 10 convert(varchar(10), YourConvertedDateColumn, 105) +

    '_' + cast(CustomerID as varchar(10))

    from CountPerMonthView

    where YourConvertedDateColumn = v.YourConvertedDateColumn

    order by YourCountID desc



    I've tested this code and it seems to work, though not very fast.

    I would have liked the possibility to use

    ...CustomerID, YourConvertedDateColumn in

    (select CustomerID, YourConvertedDateColumn



    (Oracle supports this)

    but now I had to force the 2 columns into 1.

    Hope this helps.



  • Yes, that's it. Thanks a lot.

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