Select Statement with two extra column headers

  • I have the following Select statement that exports data from a Horizon View SQL DB.  It works fine.  That statement is part of a script that automates reports.  As part of the export, I need two additional column headers: 60Days and 90Days.  These columns will be empty data (will be manipulated through powershell at a later state.  I just need the column headers as part of the export.  How can I do that?


    $LastLoginQry = "SELECT `
    Distinct SUBSTRING([ModuleAndEventText], charindex('\', [ModuleAndEventText])+1, charindex(' has logged in', [ModuleAndEventText]) - charindex('\', [ModuleAndEventText])-1) `
    AS 'All Users', convert(varchar, MAX([Time]), 110) AS 'Last Login' `
    FROM `
    [Hzv73events].[dbo].[EVTevent_historical] `
    WHERE `
    GROUP BY SUBSTRING([ModuleAndEventText], charindex('\', [ModuleAndEventText])+1, charindex(' has logged in', [ModuleAndEventText]) `
    - charindex('\', [ModuleAndEventText])-1)"


  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • You just add the additional columns to the statement, the following adds the columns as empty strings:

    $LastLoginQry = "SELECT `
    Distinct SUBSTRING([ModuleAndEventText], charindex('\', [ModuleAndEventText])+1, charindex(' has logged in', [ModuleAndEventText]) - charindex('\', [ModuleAndEventText])-1) `
    AS 'All Users', convert(varchar, MAX([Time]), 110) AS 'Last Login', '' As 60Days, '' As 90Days `
    FROM `
    [Hzv73events].[dbo].[EVTevent_historical] `
    WHERE `
    GROUP BY SUBSTRING([ModuleAndEventText], charindex('\', [ModuleAndEventText])+1, charindex(' has logged in', [ModuleAndEventText]) `
    - charindex('\', [ModuleAndEventText])-1)"

    The following adds the columns as Null values:

    $LastLoginQry = "SELECT `
    Distinct SUBSTRING([ModuleAndEventText], charindex('\', [ModuleAndEventText])+1, charindex(' has logged in', [ModuleAndEventText]) - charindex('\', [ModuleAndEventText])-1) `
    AS 'All Users', convert(varchar, MAX([Time]), 110) AS 'Last Login', Null As 60Days, Null As 90Days `
    FROM `
    [Hzv73events].[dbo].[EVTevent_historical] `
    WHERE `
    GROUP BY SUBSTRING([ModuleAndEventText], charindex('\', [ModuleAndEventText])+1, charindex(' has logged in', [ModuleAndEventText]) `
    - charindex('\', [ModuleAndEventText])-1)"

    Further note: you never need both DISTINCT and GROUP BY in the same query.  GROUP BY - by definition - will be distinct for the group defined.  Also - you should always define the length of your data types and not rely on the 'default' size when converting.  Instead of 'convert(varchar' you should have 'convert(varchar(nn))'.

    Final Note: don't convert your date/time columns to a string.  Once you do that you lose the ability to utilize any date functions in the calling language.  Powershell creates an object from the query - and defines each column based on the metadata and would know that column is a datetime data type except that you have now converted it to a string so you no longer have the ability to manipulate that columns data as a date and time (and you have a space in the column name - which just makes it harder to code).

    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

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  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Thanks so much, your suggestion worked for me.

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