SELECT Statement with MIN

  • I have a select statement that JOINs two tables, one for Product and one for the Product Colors.

    I need to create a select statement that outputs a single row per product with the first color, alphabetically, and that color's corresponding Image.

    Without factoring the Image, I know I can do a MIN(ColorName). But MIN(ColorImage) may give me an image for a different color.

    I need to find an efficient way to acquire the ColorName and ColorImage from the first color alphabetically.

    Any ideas or options would be appreciated. This is for a transaction system with high volume so it needs to perform as efficiently as possible. Thanks!


    (MSSQL 2008)

    create table tblTableA (ProductId int)

    insert into tblTableA

    select 1

    union select 2

    union select 3

    create table tblTableB (ProductColorId int, ProductId int, ColorName varchar(20), ColorImage varchar(50))

    insert into tblTableB

    select 1,1, 'Red', '1Red.jpg'

    union select 2,1, 'Red', '1Black.jpg'

    union select 3,1, 'Red', '1Blue.jpg'

    union select 4,2, 'Red', '2Red.jpg'

    union select 5,2, 'Red', '2Black.jpg'

    union select 6,2, 'Red', '2Blue.jpg'

    union select 7,3, 'Red', '3Red.jpg'

    union select 8,3, 'Red', '3Black.jpg'

    union select 9,3, 'Red', '3Blue.jpg'

    select a.productid, min(colorname)--, b.colorimage

    from tblTableA a

    join tblTableB b

    on a.productid = b.productid

    group by a.productid



    SELECT A.ProductId , B.ProductColorId , B.ColorImage , B.ColorName


    FROM tblTableA A

    JOIN tblTableB B

    ON A.ProductId = B.ProductId


    SELECT *


    WHERE RN = 1


  • One alternative

    Select ProductId , ProductColorId ,ColorImage , ColorName

    from tblTableA

    Cross apply (Select top(1) ProductColorId , ColorImage , ColorName

    from tableB

    where tableA.ProductId = tableB.ProductId

    order by ColorName) as tabB

    Which *could* be more performant if you have an index on tableb(ProductId,ColorName) possibly including ProductColorId and ColorImage. But will also depend on the data-distribution too.

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Nice, I'll see if I can translate that to my, much more complex, query. Thanks for taking the time to help me!!

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