Select slower on SQL2005 than on SQL2000

  • I just created a little script to log response times during the day of several SQL 2000 & SQL 2005 instances.

    I was surprised to see that the select response was always 4 till 8 times faster on a sql2000 system.

    Investigating the qry execution plan told me that sql2000 treads it differently than sql2005

    In sql2000 :

    Clustered Index Scan (900 records), Filter (100 records) , compute Scalar (100), Select (100)

    In sql2005:

    Clustered Index Scan (100 records), Compute Scalar (100 records) , compute Scalar (100), Select (100)

    The sql2000 system has less mry available than the sql2005 system.

    CPU's are the same, disks also the same configuration.

    Can someone tell me why this script and especially the select, is slower on a 2005 instance?

    The script is very simple:

    set nocount on

    declare @start as datetime

    declare @insert as int

    declare @select as int

    declare @update as int

    declare @delete as int

    declare @total as int

    declare @i as int

    CREATE TABLE [#loadtest](

    [id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [Type] [char](4000) NULL,

    [Value1] [int] NULL,

    [Value2] [float] NULL,

    [remark] [varchar](1000) NULL,

    [Product] AS ([Value1]*[Value2]),



    set @i = 0

    select @start = getdate() -- set start time insert

    while @i < 1000


    insert into #loadtest (Type, Value1, Value2, remark) values(cast(@i % 10 as char(1)) + 'LongText',@i,(@i % 10) * pi(),'SQL performance test')

    set @i = @i + 1


    select @insert = datediff(ms,@start,getdate()) -- set insert time

    select @start = getdate() -- set start time select

    select * from #loadtest where Type = '6LongText'

    select @select = datediff(ms,@start,getdate()) -- set select time

    select @start = getdate() -- set start time update

    update #loadtest set remark = 'Update SQL performance test' where Type = '3LongText'

    select @update = datediff(ms,@start,getdate()) -- set update time

    select @start = getdate() -- set start time delete

    delete from #loadtest where Type = '1LongText'

    select @delete = datediff(ms,@start,getdate()) -- set deletet time

    select @total = @select + @insert + @update + @delete

    select @total as Total,@insert as [insert],@select as [select],@update as [update],@delete as [delete]

    drop table #loadtest

  • Since there are no indexes involved, hardware is the most likely suspect and then parallelism.

    Neither server has much for options in the optimization area because they have to do a table scan for all of the operations.

    So, it is likely that the SQL 2005 server has slower times at the IO level or some other resource restriction.

    You can easily eliminate parallelism is the culprit by setting the max DOP to 1. However, the number of records is low, so you are probably not reaching the threshold for parallelism.

  • it is on the same server, only with less memory on for the sql 2000 and for both instances max degree of parallelisme = 1

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