Select rows from related or referenced tables in SQL.

  • Hi,

              I m looking for a script or query which shows the rows from related tables against a condition.

    For example we have a table T_Employee. We've to get the all the rows of tables referenced by this table against a condition.                                  i.e. SELECT rows from AllTables where employeeID = 1.

    So that one can the data from all the tables referenced by it based on a condition.

    Thanks in advance,


  • Bhupesh,

    I'm not entirely sure I understand your question. I think what you want is some kind of list of all the tables that have an entry for a particular employee. You could do something like this:

    SELECT 'table1', <table1 primary key>, employeeID
    FROM table1
    where employeeID=1
    SELECT 'table2', <table2 primary key>, employeeID
    FROM table2
    where employeeID=1
    SELECT 'table3', <table3 primary key>, employeeID
    FROM table3
    where employeeID=1



    Steve Eckhart

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