select query- invalid characters

  • I am trying to pull a mailing list and my query is not working.

    Select addressno, addressstreet, addresscity, addresszip from addresstbl


    The problem is that some of the addressno are blank, or have spaces or invalid characters. Can someone tell me how to pull only the records with actual house numbers in the addressno field? I can't say:

    Select addressno, addressstreet, addresscity, addresszip from addresstbl

    where addressno is null

    because it doesn't account for all the blanks or invalid characters.






  • Another thing I forgot to mention was that the reason I can't use left(addressno,1) and check for a number is because some addresses have a space(blank) before the actual number. This data really needs to be cleaned up.



  • Try LEFT(LTRIM(addressno),1) .


    Of course, that only lets you know about the very first non-blank character.

  • Thanks! I actully tried that this morning, but then I still got some addresses that looked like 25p49 which we know are not valid. I guess I'll have to clean up as much as I can.




  • If you are using SQL Server 2005 you could create a CLR stored procedure to perform RegExMatch and only match [0-9]+.

  • Hi,

    This function may helpful  u  to retrieve the data without cleansing the data.


    (@addressno varchar(20)) returns integer



     declare @intIncr  integer , @bool integer

     set @intIncr = 1


     while  @intIncr  < = len(@addressno)


      if not (ascii(substring(ltrim(rtrim(@addressno)),@intIncr,1 )) > = 48

        AND  ascii(substring(ltrim(rtrim(@addressno)),@intIncr,1 )) < = 57)


        set @addressno = '0' 


      set @intIncr  = @intIncr + 1  


     return @addressno


    Please Create this procedure in your Database, after creation of this procedure U can run the statement like

    select addressno, addressname from addresstbl where (select dbo.intcheck(addressno)) > 0 

    I hope this may solve ur problem.


    Thanks & Regards,

    Kumar KP.


    Thanks & Regards,

  • Here are some suggestions.

    1. Use the ISNUMERIC function to check the addressno column.


    addressno, addressstreet, addresscity, addresszip FROM (

        SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(addressno)) AS addressno, addressstreet, addresscity, addresszip 

        FROM addresstbl

    ) x

    WHERE ISNUMERIC(addressno) = 1

    2. Look for non-numeric characters with LIKE.

    WHERE LEN(addressno) > 0 AND NOT(addressno LIKE '%[^0-9]%')

    3. Parse out the first word of a complete address line to check for a numeric street number.

    SELECT addressno, addressstreet, addresscity, addresszip FROM (

        SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(addressno)) AS addressno, CHARINDEX(' ', addressno) AS WordBoundary, addressstreet, addresscity, addresszip 

        FROM addresstbl

    ) x

    WHERE ISNUMERIC(CASE WHEN WordBoundary = 0 THEN addressno ELSE LEFT(addressno, WordBoundary-1) END) = 1


  • Problem with ISNUMBERIC is that it will return 1 not only for integers but also for valid decimal and money values too, eg. '1.00', '1,000.00' , '£1.00' and '$1.00'

  • Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm going to start going through them and seeing which one works best till I can get this data cleaned up.





  • Now that we've given you some ideas to work on, I'm going to suggest that you look for another approach.  Cleaning addresses is very messy.  If this is a one-time action, there are services that will clean them for you for a reasonable price.  Unless you have to clean a huge and rapidly growing list of addresses to clean, I would strongly recommend paying to have it done.  It will take a huge investment of your time to do it right, T-SQL queries alone aren't going to do it.

    Did you know "W155N6362 HORSE CHESTNUT CT" is a valid address in Menomonee Falls WI?  Or "39W452 W Mallory Dr" in Geneva IL?  Then consider the fact that the data-entry miscreants are going to add an extra space here and there to make your life exiting.  What query are you going to write to validate those street numbers?  At the very least you're going to have to use regular expressions, either through CLR procedures or SSIS.

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