SELECT query - group by and concatenate

  • Hi,

    I have a products table. I want to select all the products under each category in a comma seperated string.


    {productid, categoryid, productname}

    101, 10, Product 1

    102, 10, Product 2

    103, 12, Product 3

    104, 12, Product 4

    105, 12, Product 5

    I want the select query to return this.

    {categoryid, products}

    10 Product 1, Product 2

    12 Product 3, Product 4, Product 5

    Can we do this in a single query?


  • I don't have an excat answer. I know this works for a particular category.


    DECLARE @ProductName VARCHAR(1000)

    set @ProductName =''

    SELECT @ProductName =@ProductName + ', ' +


    from  Products where CategoryID = 20

    select @ProductName

  • I would like to do it in a single query, if its possible.

  • I have another question regarding the same example. In addition to comma seperated products, I would like to select the number of products under each category, just the number. For the above example, it will be

    {categoryid, products}

    10 2

    12 3


  • Hope this helps


     (RowId  VARCHAR(20),

     RValue  VARCHAR(30),

     Lineage  VARCHAR(3000) DEFAULT '',

     Depth  INT)


    insert into @tbl(RowId,RValue)  values('WV', 'Kanawha')

    insert into @tbl(RowId,RValue)  values('WV', 'Putnam')

    insert into @tbl(RowId,RValue)  values('WV', 'Dodridge')

    insert into @tbl(RowId,RValue)  values('WV', 'Rhone')

    insert into @tbl(RowId,RValue)  values('OH', 'Buckeye')

    insert into @tbl(RowId,RValue)  values('OH', 'Kings Island')

    insert into @tbl(RowId,RValue)  values('OH', 'Hamilton')

    DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(3000)


    DECLARE @val VARCHAR(3000)


    SELECT @val = ''

    UPDATE Source

    SET @RowId  = CASE WHEN @RowId IS NULL THEN Source.RowId ELSE @RowId END,

     @Cnt = CASE WHEN @Cnt IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE @Cnt END,

     @Val = Lineage = CASE WHEN @RowId = Source.RowId THEN @val+ISNULL(Source.RValue,'NULL')+',' ELSE ISNULL(Source.RValue,'NULL')+',' END,

     @Cnt = Depth = CASE WHEN @RowId = Source.RowId THEN @Cnt+1 ELSE NULL END,

     @RowId = Source.RowId

    FROM @tbl AS Source

    SELECT RowId,

     SUBSTRING(MAX(Lineage),1,LEN(MAX(Lineage))-1) AS Lineage,

     COUNT(1) AS NoOfCounts

    FROM  @tbl

    GROUP BY RowId



  • This kind of vertical to horizontal rotation cannot be done with pure sql. You will need to resort to a function. Horizontal to vertical rotation can be done using case statements and because you know the number of columns ahead of time.

  • As Michael said, you will need a function to create the concatenated list. Then your query would look like this:

    SELECT p.categoryid, dbo.GetProdList(p.categoryid) as ProductList, count(*) as No_of_Products

    FROM Products p

    And this is the function used in this query:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetProdList (@Id INT)




    DECLARE @List VARCHAR(1000)

    SELECT @List = ISNULL(@List+ ', ', '') + p.productname

    FROM Products p

    WHERE p.categoryid = @id

    RETURN @List


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