Select product depend upon date

  • Hai,

    Product Date


    pd0 2012-08-11 18:45:55.780

    Pd1 2012-08-11 18:55:17.020

    pd2 2012-08-11 19:06:58.623

    pd3 2012-08-18 12:00:01.193

    pd4 2012-08-25 12:13:04.077

    pd5 2012-08-25 17:28:30.347

    pd6 2012-08-25 18:23:16.473

    pd7 2012-09-18 18:29:58.360

    I want select the product based on from date and to date.

    For Example

    I want the select the product date in between 2012-08-11 to 2012-08-18

    Note:dont check the time.

    I want the query for select product based on only date not depend upon time

  • So...

    WHERE [Product Date] >='20120811' and [Product Date] <'20120819'

    will do you, you dont need to ignore the time, just adjust the search arguments to match your data

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • sidharthgs6, it is helpful to provide sample data using DDL statements as shown below:

    CREATE TABLE #Example


    Product character(3) PRIMARY KEY,

    TheDate datetime2(3) NOT NULL


    INSERT #Example

    (Product, TheDate)


    (CONVERT(character(3), 'pd0'), CONVERT(datetime2(3), '2012-08-11 18:45:55.780', 121)),

    (CONVERT(character(3), 'Pd1'), CONVERT(datetime2(3), '2012-08-11 18:55:17.020', 121)),

    (CONVERT(character(3), 'pd2'), CONVERT(datetime2(3), '2012-08-11 19:06:58.623', 121)),

    (CONVERT(character(3), 'pd3'), CONVERT(datetime2(3), '2012-08-18 12:00:01.193', 121)),

    (CONVERT(character(3), 'pd4'), CONVERT(datetime2(3), '2012-08-25 12:13:04.077', 121)),

    (CONVERT(character(3), 'pd5'), CONVERT(datetime2(3), '2012-08-25 17:28:30.347', 121)),

    (CONVERT(character(3), 'pd6'), CONVERT(datetime2(3), '2012-08-25 18:23:16.473', 121)),

    (CONVERT(character(3), 'pd7'), CONVERT(datetime2(3), '2012-09-18 18:29:58.360', 121));

    -- Demo index

    CREATE INDEX nc1 ON #Example (TheDate);

    -- Dave's solution




    FROM #Example AS e


    e.TheDate >= CONVERT(datetime2(3), '20120811', 112)

    AND e.TheDate < CONVERT(datetime2(3), '20120819', 112);

    -- Also works, but not as efficient




    FROM #Example AS e


    CONVERT(date, e.TheDate)


    CONVERT(date, '2012-08-11', 121)

    AND CONVERT(date, '2012-08-18', 121);

  • Hai Dave Ballantyne,

    Thanks your reply got my solution

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