select problem 3 table

  • please i have a one problem this query

    DECLARE @a1 table(

    p1 int ,

    x nvarchar(20),

    date1 smalldatetime


    Insert Into @a1




    Insert Into @a1




    Insert Into @a1





    select p1=case when p1 >= 1 and p1 <= 2 then 'my phone ' else 'thanks' end ,

    count(x) num_p1 from @a1 where date1>='2013-10-01' group by p1


    p1 num_p1

    my phone 1

    my phone 1

    thanks 1

    DECLARE @a2 table(

    p2 int ,z nvarchar(20),

    date2 smalldatetime


    Insert Into @a2




    Insert Into @a2




    Insert Into @a2




    select p2=case when p2 >= 1 and p2 <= 2 then 'my phone ' else 'thanks' end ,

    count(z) num_p2 from @a2 where date2>='2013-10-01' group by p2


    p2 num_p2

    my phone 1

    my phone 1

    thanks 1


    DECLARE @a3 table(

    p3 int ,x nvarchar(20),

    date3 smalldatetime


    Insert Into @a3




    Insert Into @a3




    Insert Into @a3




    Insert Into @a3




    Insert Into @a3




    select p3=case when p3 >= 1 and p3 <= 2 then 'my phone '

    when p3 >= 3 and p3 <= 4 then 'my '

    when p3 = 5 then 'your '

    else 'thanks' end ,

    count(x) num_p3 from @a3 where date3>='2013-10-01' group by p3


    p3 num_p3


    my phone 1

    my phone 1

    my 1

    my 1

    your 1

    how i get resulting table

    phone num_p1 num_p2 num_p3

    my phone 1 0 1

    my phone 1 0 1

    my 0 0 1

    my 0 0 1

    thanks 0 1 0

  • Your sample data and your expected output don't seem to match please clarify

    a) Why not my phone 1 1 1 and my phone 1 1 1?

    b) Why isn't "your" included at all?

    c) Why not thanks 1 1 0?

    d) How are the numeric values fpr p1, p2, and p3 related to each other in the first place? (Except for the manual replacement using the CASE expression)?

    Sometimes (over-)simplifying a scenario will not really help to clarify what you're looking for...

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • This sounds like a text book question...and my guess is it wasn't posted the way it was asked in the book.

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