Select news between to dates

  • Hi,

    I have the following problem. I have a table with news-items with a start- and end-date.

    Now I only wnat to show items that are between these to dates.

    How do I have to do that.

    I thought it had to be something like this.

    Select * from tbl_nieuws where date(now) between start_date and end_date

    This however doesn't work.

    I hope someone can help me.

    Kind regards,

    Martin Smits

  • Try GETDATE()

    insted of date(now)

    If that doesn't work, post the error you are getting.

  • info (6/2/2009)

    I have a table with news-items with a start- and end-date.


    Can you show the table schema with data?


  • Here you are

    id bigint(11) Nee auto_increment

    titel text utf8_unicode_ci Ja NULL

    introductie longtext utf8_unicode_ci Ja NULL

    bericht longtext utf8_unicode_ci Ja NULL

    kader varchar(255) utf8_unicode_ci Ja NULL

    start_datum date Ja NULL

    eind_datum date Ja NULL

    bericht_tonen tinyint(1) Nee 0

  • Hi,

    Ok, suppose you need to show the records having the date range of current date,

    Then you try Tom Brown coding to get the result.

    Select * from yourtable where getdate() between start_datum and eind_datum


  • Hi,

    this is what i've tried:

    Select * from `tbl_nieuws` where getdate() between `start_datum` and `eind_datum`

    This provides the following error.

    #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '() between `start_datum` and `eind_datum`

    LIMIT 0, 30' at line 1

    Kind regards.

  • Hi,

    Use the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP instead of the getdate()


  • It works!!! Thanks a lot.

    Kind regards,

    Martin Smits

  • Please note that this is primarily a SQL Server site, so if you have a MySQL question, let us know that beforehand so that we don't give you the wrong answer.

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