Select names of Excel Worksheets?

  • I'm trying to use an Excel workbook to create a table for each worksheet. How do I Select the worksheet names using an OpenRowSet?

  • Found this which I should be able to adapt nicely from Experts Exchange:

    -- check to see if we need to remove server, because we create it dynamically

    if exists (select * from sys.servers where name = 'my_Excel')

    exec sp_dropserver 'my_Excel', 'droplogins';

    -- our spreadsheet name goes here

    declare @file varchar(200)

    set @file = 'c:\ee\test.xls'

    -- now create the linked server for that spreadsheet

    exec ('EXEC sp_addlinkedserver my_Excel, ''Jet 4.0'',''Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'','''+@file+''', NULL, ''Excel 5.0;''')

    --Set up login mappings (just ADMIN - jet wants something).

    EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin my_Excel, FALSE, NULL, Admin, NULL

    -- we will create a temp table to store the worksheets names

    if object_id('tempdb..#t','u') is not null drop table #t

    create table #t (id int identity, table_cat varchar(100),table_schem varchar(100),table_name varchar(100),table_type varchar(100),remarks varchar(100))

    --List the tables in the linked server (these are the worksheet names).

    insert #t

    EXEC sp_tables_ex my_Excel

    --select * from #t

    -- now we will get the worksheet name we want to use based on "index" - well id actually...

    declare @n varchar(100)

    select @n = table_name from #t where id = 1

    -- if it is a real name, then lets try to use it (probably should check for a '$' in the name

    if @n is not null

    exec ('select * from my_Excel...['+@n+']')

    -- now this is where you do whatever you want with the data using the linked server

    -- remove server, just to clean up 'nicely'

    if exists (select * from sys.servers where name = 'my_Excel')

    exec sp_dropserver 'my_Excel', 'droplogins';

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