Select multiple rows plus count

  • Hi all,

    I have two tables



    I need to select all the admin users that can verifiy an order from the user account table which iv done,

    I now need to connect to the CustomerOrders table and get a count of how many orders the user has verified but im unsure how i can return a count?

    The CustomerOrder table has a column called "VerifiedBy" and this is a varchar(3) which is the users initials,

    The User Account table has a column called "ShortAbbr" and this is also a varchar(3) which is there initials

    so when a user verifys an order there initials are placed within the column "VerifiedBy" located in the CustomerOrder table so i would be joining on that field......

    But like i said im baffled on how i can return a count whilst selecting over fields.....

    this sql so far

    DECLARE @DateFrom datetime

    DECLARE @DateTo datetime

    DECLARE @Count int

    Select distinct u.FirstName + ' ' + u.Surname as Verifier

    From UserAccount as u

    join CustomerOrders as co on co.VerifiedBy = u.ShortAbbr

    where u.IsAdmin = 1 and u.CanVerifyOrder = 1

    Where in the above can i get the count on how many orders have been verified by the user initials.....

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Add in the COUNT clause in the select which references say the ID column in the orders table

    Select distinct u.FirstName + ' ' + u.Surname as Verifier, COUNT(co.ID) AS NumberVerified

    From UserAccount as u

    join CustomerOrders as co on co.VerifiedBy = u.ShortAbbr

    where u.IsAdmin = 1 and u.CanVerifyOrder = 1

    group by u.FirstName + ' ' + u.Surname

    Edit, Stewart, beat me to it

  • Brilliant,

    Thanks for the information, do you know how i could work out the percentage of orders verified? as i have the total now just curious if that was possible????

  • something like this should do it.

    declare @sum int

    select @sum = COUNT(co.orderno)From UserAccount as u

    join CustomerOrders as co on co.VerifiedBy = u.ShortAbbr

    where u.IsAdmin = 1 and u.CanVerifyOrder = 1

    Select u.FirstName + ' ' + u.Surname as Verifier,

    COUNT(co.OrderNo) AS OrdersVerified,

    (COUNT(co.OrderNo)/@sum) * 100) AS PercentageVerified

    From UserAccount as u

    join CustomerOrders as co on co.VerifiedBy = u.ShortAbbr

    where u.IsAdmin = 1 and u.CanVerifyOrder = 1

    GROUP BY u.FirstName + ' ' + u.Surname


    Verified = 100.00*SUM(CASE WHEN Verified = 'Yes' THEN [Count] ELSE 0 END)/SUM([Count]),

    Unverified = 100.00*SUM(CASE WHEN Verified = 'No' THEN [Count] ELSE 0 END)/SUM([Count])

    FROM (



    [Count] = COUNT(*)

    FROM #CustomerOrders


    GROUP BY Verified

    ) d

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Hi Thanks for the snippet,

    Iv been playing around with the informations iv been trying to get and this is my SQL

    DECLARE @DateFrom datetime

    DECLARE @DateTo datetime

    DECLARE @Count int

    Select u.FirstName + ' ' + u.Surname as Verifier,

    COUNT(co.OrderID) AS OrdersVerified,

    (COUNT(co.OrderID)* 100 / (Select COUNT(*) From CustomerOrders)) as PVerifications,

    (COUNT(co.OrderID)* 100 / (Select COUNT(*) From CustomerOrders as co join Customer as c on c.CustomerID = co.CustomerID where (c.AccountNumber is not null and c.SortCode is not null))) as PVerificationsWithBD,

    COUNT(oh.OrderID) as CoverSold,

    COUNT(oh.ConnectedDate) as Connected

    From UserAccount as u

    join CustomerOrders as co on co.VerifiedBy = u.ShortAbbr

    join OrderHandsets as oh on co.OrderID = oh.OrderID

    where u.IsAdmin = 1 and u.CanVerifyOrder = 1

    and oh.ConnectedDate is not null

    and co.VerifiedBy = u.ShortAbbr

    and oh.PhoneCover is not null

    and oh.CreatedDate >= '2012-06-01'

    GROUP BY u.FirstName + ' ' + u.Surname

    But the output is sooooo incorrect ill keep playing around with it.

  • Please follow the second link in my signature on posting code for the best help.

    With that we will be able to create a mock environment and help you out

  • -- use a variable for the date

    DECLARE @MinCreatedDate DATETIME

    SET @MinCreatedDate = '2012-06-01'

    SELECT @MinCreatedDate -- check it's correct

    -- start simple, look at the whole picture

    -- don't aggregate until you're sure the join types are correct

    -- keep predicates in the ON clause unless you're sure join type is INNER


    Verifier = u.FirstName + ' ' + u.Surname,





    FROM CustomerOrders co

    LEFT JOIN UserAccount u

    ON u.ShortAbbr = co.VerifiedBy

    LEFT JOIN OrderHandsets oh

    ON oh.OrderID = co.OrderID

    AND oh.ConnectedDate IS NOT NULL

    AND oh.PhoneCover IS NOT NULL

    AND oh.CreatedDate >= @MinCreatedDate

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

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