SELECT LIKE statment


    I'm having issues using the LIKE command.  I have a column in a database that contains serial numbers from different vendors.  Some of the serial numbers have spaces, some don't.  For example:

    '444 54 32222 33'


    'gf4837 1 24 54 78'

    I have a form on a website that searches for these serial numbers. However, the LIKE statement doesn't return anything if the user enters in the claim without spaces.  For example, if the user is searching for:

    '444 54 32222 33'

    and they type:


    No results will get returned.  Is there a way around this ?


  • Create an indexed calculated column that strips out the spaces. Then do the search on the column (making sure that the search parameter doesn't have spaces too).

  • Use the REPLACE function in both your input and the field searched to remove spaces for the match.    (Don't worry, someone will probably give you a better solution that may not ruin your index if one exists on this field... ). 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Wow - no sooner said, than done...  

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Well sooner done than said... You were still a little late on this one .

  • Forgive my ignornace, but how does one create an indexed calculated column that strips out the spaces?


  • ALTER TABLE dbo.Temps ADD

     demo  AS replace(EPNOM, ' ', '')


    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_Temps_Demo ON dbo.Temps (demo)

  • Ok, I understand creating an index...but what is dbo.Temps?  Is that a table that I first need to create?  And I assume the demo table is the table I'm using to actually do the query on.


  • dbo.Temps is the table name

    demo is the name of the new column.

  • Oh I see....

    What does EPNOM mean?  I googled it and couldn't find much of anything.



  • You would put the real name of your table and real name of the column you want to create in their place...

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • EPNOM is the name of the other column you need to replace the spaces from.

  • Oh I see...

    I ran the query and got this error:

    Warning! The maximum key length is 900 bytes. The index 'IX_serialnumbers_serialsnospaces' has maximum length of 8000 bytes. For some combination of large values, the insert/update operation will fail.

  • Doh...

    try it like this :

    LEFT(REPLACE(Colname, ' ', ''), (length of the original column)

  • If I'm using the replace function when creating this new column, how come I can't just use the replace function when doing the original query?  That way I wouldn't have to worry about a whole new column to update.




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