SELECT Last Date for each ID

  • I have a database in which assets have been deployed to multiple users on various dates. I need to select the latest date that an asset was deployed and include the user it was deployed to. My query will work if I don't include the column 'To_User', but of course I need that column. It indicates that it must either be in the GROUP BY, or an aggregate function. If I include it in the GROUP BY, then I no longer get only the latest date. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in advance.

    select MIN(Asset_ID),To_User,

    MAX(DATEADD(SS,Change_Date,'19700101'))AS ChangeDate

    from AST_ASSET_History

    where Asset_ID IN ('M 79674','M 81956','M 82602','M 87719','M 87861')

    and To_Status = 'Deployed'

    GROUP BY Asset_ID

    Server: Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Column 'AST_ASSET_History.To_User' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

    Here's my result set if I leave out the 'To_User' field:

    M 796742007-06-20 12:34:52.000

    M 819562006-04-25 16:55:39.000

    M 826022007-11-29 20:05:36.000

    M 877192008-11-20 13:36:45.000

    M 878612007-03-15 15:28:42.000

  • GROUP BY Asset_ID, To_User, MAX(Change_Date)

    Comes to mind.. You might have to put the home MAX(DATEADD.... logic in but I think this will work..


  • To really help you we need a few things from you. Please provide the DDL (CREATE TABLE) statements for the table(s) involved in your query. Sample data in a readily consummable format (can be cut/paste/run in Query Analyzer or Management Studio), expected results based on the sample data. The fourth thing we need you have already provided in your original post, the code you have currently written.

    If you need assistance iwth this request, please read and the follow the guidelines provided in the first article you will find referenced below in my signature block regarding asking for assistance.

  • Lynn, thank you for pointing out the post that describes the correct format for posting to the forum. I've attempted to get it right this time, but now have run into a different problem, in that I'm now getting an error on the DATEADD function, which I do not get on my production data. Being a relative newbie, I have a tough time with date issues, so I don't know what it is about my test data that is causing that error. If I can get that worked out, then the query I posted should demonstrate the real problem, which is that my query will only work properly if I do not include the 'To_User' column in my SELECT. If I do include it, I get the error message in my first post, but if I add it to GROUP BY, the query then returns all records, not just the last date for each asset. Here's the query and below it is my attempt to create a valid test table:

    SELECT MIN(Asset_ID),


    MAX(DATEADD(SS,Change_Date,'19700101'))AS ChangeDate

    FROM AssetHistoryTest

    WHERE Asset_ID IN ('M 79674',

    'M 81956',

    'M 82602',

    'M 87719',

    'M 87861')

    AND To_Status = 'Deployed'

    GROUP BY Asset_ID

    NOTE: I don't have an IDENTITY column, so commented that out.

    --== If the test table already exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_id('TempDB..AssetHistoryTest','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE AssetHistoryTest

    --== Create the test table

    CREATE TABLE AssetHistoryTest


    Asset_ID varchar(30) NOT NULL,

    To_User varchar(30) NOT NULL,

    To_Status varchar(30) NOT NULL,

    Change_Date datetime NOT NULL


    --== Set up special conditions


    --== All Inserts into the IDENTITY column

    --SET IDENTITY_INSERT AssetHistoryTest ON

    --== Insert the test data into the test table

    INSERT INTO AssetHistoryTest


    SELECT 'M 79674','Joe Smith','Deployed','Mar 28 2006 12:00AM' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'M 79674','Joe Smith','Deployed','Apr 13 2006 12:00AM' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'M 79674','Jim Jones','Deployed','Jun 20 2007 12:00AM' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'M 79674','Company','End of Life','Mar 3 2009 12:00AM' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'M 81956','Bill Booth','Deployed','Apr 25 2006 12:00AM' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'M 82602','Sharon Smith','Deployed','Jul 7 2006 12:00AM' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'M 82602','Amy North','Deployed','Nov 13 2007 12:00AM' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'M 82602','James Dorman','Deployed','Nov 29 2007 12:00AM' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'M 82602','Company','End of Life','Mar 3 2009 12:00AM' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'M 87719','Kelly Johnson','Deployed','Jul 24 2006 12:00AM' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'M 87719','Katherine Burke','Deployed','May 14 2007 12:00AM' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'M 87719','Patrice Nelson','Deployed','Jul 23 2008 12:00AM' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'M 87719','Patrice Nelson','Deployed','Nov 20 2008 12:00AM' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'M 87861','Jennifer Smith','Deployed','Jan 30 2007 12:00AM' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'M 87861','Patricia Yard','Deployed','Mar 15 2007 12:00AM' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'M 87861','Company','End of Life','Mar 3 2009 12:00AM'

    --== Set the identity insert back to normal

    --SET IDENTITY_INSERT AssetHistoryTest OFF

  • As I look at what you have provided, there does seem to be one thing missing that would really help. Based on the sample data provided, what SHOULD be the expected results? This doesn't requore any coding from you, just provide what you would expect back from the query.

    With this, we can test our code and provide you back something that hopefully meets your needs.

  • Of course, while waiting, I came up this. Does it meet your requirements?

    with LastDeployment (



    ) as (







    To_Status = 'Deployed'

    group by









    dbo.AssetHistoryTest aht

    inner join LastDeployment ld

    on (aht.Asset_ID = ld.Asset_ID

    and aht.Change_Date = ld.Change_Date)


    To_Status = 'Deployed'

    order by



  • Opps! Forgot this was a SQL Server 7, 2000 forum. The code above is for SQL Server 2005. I have modified the code to work with SQL Server 2000.







    dbo.AssetHistoryTest aht

    inner join (



    max(Change_Date) Change_Date




    To_Status = 'Deployed'

    group by


    ) ld

    on (aht.Asset_ID = ld.Asset_ID

    and aht.Change_Date = ld.Change_Date)


    To_Status = 'Deployed'

    order by



  • Sorry, I forgot to specify what I expected. I want to see only records in To_Status = Deployed, and just the latest instance.

    In the code you sent me, where does ld come from?

  • ld (eL De) is the alias for the derived table in the FROM clause. If you look at the SQL Server 2005 version, it is the CTE declared before the SELECT clause.

  • Lynn,

    That is terrific, it works. The only thing now is that it's displaying a UNIX date, and I need to convert that to a human-readable format. The usual DATEADD function that I use in other queries produces errors.

  • Jay Tucker (7/1/2009)


    That is terrific, it works. The only thing now is that it's displaying a UNIX date, and I need to convert that to a human-readable format. The usual DATEADD function that I use in other queries produces errors.

    Go to BOL (Books Online) and read about CONVERT.

  • Will do. Many thanks for your help.

  • Your Welcome, and thanks for the feedback.

  • Lynn,

    Did I mention that this Date stuff drives me crazy? I checked out BOL and looked at examples here & elsewhere and figured I had the right idea, but the datetime continues to display in UNIX format. Here's the modification I made to your script. Should I be doing the convert somewhere else?

    SELECT aht.Asset_ID ,

    aht.To_User ,



    FROM dbo.AssetHistoryTest aht


    ( SELECT Asset_ID,

    MAX(CONVERT(char(30),Change_Date,101)) Change_Date

    FROM dbo.AssetHistoryTest

    WHERE To_Status = 'Deployed'

    AND To_User 'Company'

    GROUP BY Asset_ID

    ) ld

    ON (

    aht.Asset_ID = ld.Asset_ID

    AND aht.Change_Date = ld.Change_Date


    WHERE To_Status = 'Deployed'

    ORDER BY aht.Asset_ID,


  • I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean by UNIX format. When you select a datetime column from a SQL database, it displays a datetime value. I am use to seeing dates in the form yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.hhh.

    Actual formatting of datetime values should occur in the UI (User Interface), GUI or reports.

    How do you want to see the values?

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