Select into with order by not ordering correctly

  • Hi,

    This query below is intended to generate a new table ordered on its EmployeeID column.

    SELECT * INTO db1..test1

    FROM db2..Orders

    ORDER BY [EmployeeID]

    However, it generates a table where the first fith (consistently!) is actually the last fifth??? e.g. on my particular base table it orders the new table like such:

    _EmployeeID values______Rows


    _1-7___________________160 - 860

    Does anyone know why this might be happening??


    P.S. I am doing this on the Northwind Orders table

  • Selects have no guaranteed order - you're going to have to use the order by in your second select to get the results you want.


  • Hi Andy

    I have no second select, the actual data that this will be performed on is 800,000 records long. Therfore i return a reference to the test1 tables location, so the client application can connect to the test1 table and retrieve 50 rows at a time for display (using ADO.NET).

    Any ideas ???

  • You're not doing a select from the test1 table? I would think that this is an expensive method of doing paging - I'd at least consider just inserting the primarykey into test1 and using that to select your records from your main table.

    If you look at the articles by Jon Winer he has covered some ideas recently about returning a subset of a recordset.


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