Select in multiple levels...

  • Hi,

    I have a query that now actually does exactly what I want it to and performs well. But the site has still low traffic and small amounts of data.

    I have never seen examples of queries with more than 2 "select levels" before, here I have "3 select levels", combined with 6 joins.

    Do you think this is going to be a problem as the site grows to tables with about 10 to 100 thousands rows ?

    SELECT DistinctCompanyCount, DenseGroup, CatName, CatId, CompanyId, CompanyName, PropertyId, Status, Day, LinkFormat, Updated, VardeFloat1



    SELECT MAX(DenseGroup) OVER(PARTITION BY PropertyId) AS DistinctCompanyCount, DenseGroup, CatName, CatId, CompanyId, CompanyName, PropertyId, Status, Day, LinkFormat, Updated, VardeFloat1



    DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY Categories.CatName,CompProp.VardeFloat1,CP2.Updated DESC,Company.CompanyId) AS DenseGroup,

    Categories.CatNamn,Categories.CatId,Company.CompanyId,Company.CompanyName,CompProp.PropertyId,Days.Status, Days.Day,OrgInfo.LinkFormat, CP2.Updated,CompProp.VardeFloat1

    FROM Company

    INNER JOIN CompProp ON Company.CompanyId = CompProp.CompanyId AND CompProp.PropertyId = 2 AND CompProp.State = 1

    INNER JOIN CompCat ON CompCat.CompanyId = CompProp.CompanyId

    INNER JOIN Categories ON CompCat.CatId = Categories.CatId

    INNER JOIN OrgInfo ON OrgInfo.UserId = Company.OrgId

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Days ON Day.CompanyId = Company.CompanyId AND Days.Day >= '2013-06-10 00:00:00' AND Days.Day < '2013-06-15 00:00:00'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN CompProp AS CP2 ON Company.CompanyId = CP2.CompanyId AND CP2.PropertyId = 1

    WHERE Company.State = 1)

    AS PagingQ1


    AS PagingQ2

    WHERE RankGrupp BETWEEN 1 AND 20

    ORDER BY CatName,VardeFloat1,Updated DESC,CompanyId,Day

  • Hard to say as it also depends on your indexes. My experience however is that derived tables can cause performance penalties. As soon as you filter on a derived table SQL cannot use any indexes. If the derived table contains lots of rows this can be a problem.

    When i have complex queries I tend to use SP's and try to split the query in multiple result sets stored in temp tables. You can put extra indexes on the temp tables to get the best performance.

    MS-SQL / SSIS / SSRS junkie
    Visit my blog at

  • Your query looks fine to me apart from the syntax errors. SQL Server is quite adept at optimising out query nesting.



    DenseGroup, CatName, CatId, CompanyId, CompanyName, PropertyId,

    Status, Day, LinkFormat, Updated, VardeFloat1




    DistinctCompanyCount = MAX(DenseGroup) OVER(PARTITION BY PropertyId),

    DenseGroup, CatName, CatId, CompanyId, CompanyName, PropertyId,

    Status, Day, LinkFormat, Updated, VardeFloat1




    DenseGroup = DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY cg.CatName, cp1.VardeFloat1, CP2.Updated DESC, co.CompanyId),

    cg.CatNamn, -- <<<--- error here

    cg.CatId, co.CompanyId, co.CompanyName, cp1.PropertyId,

    Days.Status, Days.Day, OrgInfo.LinkFormat, CP2.Updated, cp1.VardeFloat1

    FROM Company co

    INNER JOIN CompProp cp1

    ON co.CompanyId = cp1.CompanyId

    AND cp1.PropertyId = 2

    AND cp1.State = 1

    INNER JOIN CompCat ON CompCat.CompanyId = cp1.CompanyId

    INNER JOIN Categories cg ON CompCat.CatId = cg.CatId

    INNER JOIN OrgInfo ON OrgInfo.UserId = co.OrgId


    ON [Day].CompanyId = co.CompanyId -- <<<--- error here

    AND [Days].Day >= '2013-06-10 00:00:00'

    AND [Days].Day < '2013-06-15 00:00:00'


    ON co.CompanyId = CP2.CompanyId

    AND CP2.PropertyId = 1

    WHERE co.[State] = 1


    AS PagingQ1


    AS PagingQ2

    WHERE RankGrupp BETWEEN 1 AND 20 -- <<<--- error here: where is 'RankGrupp' from?

    ORDER BY CatName, VardeFloat1, Updated DESC, CompanyId, Day

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
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    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Thank you very much for your answers!

    ...The syntax errors are because I quickly renamed all column and tables from swedish before posting, so it would make a little more sense.

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