SELECT Highest Combination of Fields

  • Hi

    I am trying to select the row with the highest combination of values and cant figure out how to do it, hope some one can help.

    Assume I have the following data

    Key, Value1, Value2

    1, 1, 3

    2, 2, 2

    3, 3, 1

    How do I select the row that has the highest combination of value1 and value2, in this case it is the second row.



  • --you need to give the table stracture an data i did that for you

    declare @mytable table(

    [int] NULL,

    [value1] [int] NULL,

    [value2] [int] NULL


    insert into @mytable

    select 1,2,3

    union all

    select 1,3,3

    union all

    select 3,3,3

    --than you select values

    select top 1 *,(+value1+value2) as rowsum from @mytable

    Order by rowsum desc

  • please give a feedback

  • Thanks for your reply.

    That works for that data set but not a more dispersed one, sorry my fault, should have been clearer.

    If you use the following Dataset

    1, 5

    2, 4

    5, 1

    The row with the highest values is row 2, however if you add col2 and col3 all rows give the same value, where I would want to have row 2 returned.

  • if you need the highest combination

    of val1 and val2

    you need to write

    select top 1 *,(value1+value2) as val_sum from @mytable

    Order by rowsum desc

  • please give a feedback

  • Thanks but that wont always give me the row I am after because the sum of all 3 rows is 6.

    Im not looking for the max value but rather the highest in each column.

    Max value in col1 is 5 in row 3

    Max value in col2 is 5 in row 3

    Perhaps a better explination of what I am after is I am trying to find out what customer has the highest balance outstanding as well as the longest period outstanding.

    Cust#, BalOutstanding, DaysOutstanding

    1, $100, 10

    2, $50, 50

    3, $10, 100

    The customer with the highest outstanding balance is Cust 1

    The Customer with the highest number of days outstanding is Cust 3

    Where Cust 2 is the one I am after

    Hope that makes more sense

  • Hi,

    My guess is that the product of the values is what you are after. I have modified the previous suggestion accordingly:

    DECLARE @test-2 TABLE

    (value1 INT,

    value2 INT)

    INSERT INTO @test-2(value1, value2)

    select 100, 10 union all select 50, 50 union all select 10, 100

    select top 1 *,(value1*value2) as val_res from @test-2

    Order by val_res desc

    You still need to handle the situation where the values are exactly same.


  • That's an elegant solution, and as far as I can see it takes care of all possible combinations too.


  • I am trying to find out what customer has the highest balance outstanding as well as the longest period outstanding.

    Mike, respectfully, you need to work on stating your question more formallly. You are wasting people's time making them guess over and over again. The statement above can't be answered if one customer has a higher balance and another has a longer period outstanding. Someone is now guessing that they should calculate the production of the amount and the time period.

    If you have some other formula that you are using please state it.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Thanks for your answers, they have been very helpful.



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