select from n x 8 relationship

  • Dear all,

    I have 3 tables C, K and CtoK. C and K have a primary key (id). CtoK associates id from C with 8 possible id from K. CtoK = (idc int ,idw int, index int) where index >= 0 and index < 8. c has also a datetime column 'creationdate'.

    I want to retrieve every records from C within a particular date range. This is easy. But with each returned record I also want every corresponding id from K.

    I have a solution with a temporary table. It works, but it's slow. c is huge.

    I thought about this :


    from c

    left outer join ( select idk, idc from CtoK  where index = 0 ) k0 on k0.idc = )


    left outer join ( select idk, idc from CtoK  where index = 7 ) k7 on k7.idc = )

    where c.creationdate <= @begin_date and c.creationdate < @end_date

    This works but I wonder if it is a good way to do that ?

    If the maximum value for index is changed, the code has to be rewritten. Is there a way to avoid that ? I thought about concataning the into a string but could not achieve that...

    Thank you for your help.

    This is maybe a common problem, so I apologize if it has already been posted several to this forum.


    Patrick Duflot

  • Since the join is expensive, I'd do it once in a derived table, then pivot the results to translate each index row into a column:

    Select dt.ID,

      Max( (Case Index When 0 Then 1 Else 0 End) * IdK ) As id_k0,

      Max( (Case Index When 1 Then 1 Else 0 End) * IdK ) As id_k1,

      Max( (Case Index When 2 Then 1 Else 0 End) * IdK ) As id_k2,

      <fill in the rest>

      Max( (Case Index When 7 Then 1 Else 0 End) * IdK ) As id_k7



        Select C.Id, CtoK.IdK, Index

        From C

        Inner Join CtoK

          On (C.Id = CtoK.IdC)

        Where c.creationdate <= @begin_date and c.creationdate < @end_date

      ) dt

    Group By dt.Id

  • Thank you very much for your reply, it really speeds up the query

    Another question comes to my mind. If I need to return more fields from c or from other joined tables, should I add them to the group by clause or use another derived table ?

    In extenso :

    Select dt.ID,

      Max( (Case Index When 0 Then 1 Else 0 End) * IdK ) As id_k0,

      Max( (Case Index When 1 Then 1 Else 0 End) * IdK ) As id_k1,

      Max( (Case Index When 2 Then 1 Else 0 End) * IdK ) As id_k2,

      <fill in the rest>

      Max( (Case Index When 7 Then 1 Else 0 End) * IdK ) As id_k7

      <other fields>



        Select C.Id, CtoK.IdK, Index, <other fields>

        From C 

        left outer Join CtoK

          On (C.Id = CtoK.IdC)

        inner join <other source tables>

        Where c.creationdate <= @begin_date and c.creationdate < @end_date

      ) dt

    Group By dt.Id, <other fields>


    Select dt2.ID, dt2.id_k0,... id_k7, <other fields>

    from (

      Select dt.ID,

        Max( (Case Index When 0 Then 1 Else 0 End) * IdK ) As id_k0,

        Max( (Case Index When 1 Then 1 Else 0 End) * IdK ) As id_k1,

        Max( (Case Index When 2 Then 1 Else 0 End) * IdK ) As id_k2,

        <fill in the rest>

        Max( (Case Index When 7 Then 1 Else 0 End) * IdK ) As id_k7



          Select C.Id, CtoK.IdK, Index

          From C

          Inner Join CtoK

            On (C.Id = CtoK.IdC)

          Where c.creationdate <= @begin_date and c.creationdate < @end_date

        ) dt

      Group By dt.Id

    ) dt2

    inner join <other source tables>

    I don't see a great difference on my test system, but i am afraid that on production system, solution 1 would be too memory consuming, because of the 8 duplication of every aggregated fields in the dt table. Am I right ?

    Once again your help is really appreciated


    Patrick Duflot

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