May 18, 2021 at 9:26 pm
I have the following query...
SELECT JobOperations.jmoJobID AS JobNo, JobAssemblies.jmaPartID AS PartID, JobAssemblies.jmaPartShortDescription AS Description, JobOperations.jmoOperationQuantity AS Qty, JobOperations.jmoWorkCenterID AS WorkCenter, JobOperations.jmoProcessID AS Process, SUM(JobOperations.jmoCompletedProductionHours) AS Hours, JobOperations.jmoProductionComplete AS C, CAST(JobOperations.jmoCreatedDate AS DATE) AS StartDate, CAST(JobAssemblies.jmaCompletedDate AS DATE) AS CompleteDate, PartBins.imbQuantityOnHand, PartBins.imbQuantityAllocated
FROM JobOperations
INNER JOIN JobAssemblies On JobOperations.jmoJobID = JobAssemblies.jmaJobID
INNER JOIN Jobs ON JobOperations.jmoJobID = Jobs.jmpJobID
INNER JOIN PartBins ON JobAssemblies.jmaPartID = PartBins.imbPartID
WHERE jmoJobID LIKE '2%' AND LEN(jmoJobID) = 5 AND JobOperations.jmoProductionComplete = 0
GROUP BY JobOperations.jmoJobID, JobAssemblies.jmaPartID, JobAssemblies.jmaPartShortDescription, JobOperations.jmoOperationQuantity, JobOperations.jmoWorkCenterID, JobOperations.jmoProcessID, JobOperations.jmoOperationQuantity, JobOperations.jmoProductionComplete, JobOperations.jmoCreatedDate, JobAssemblies.jmaCompletedDate, PartBins.imbQuantityOnHand, PartBins.imbQuantityAllocated
ORDER BY JobOperations.jmoJobID, JobOperations.jmoWorkCenterID
For some reason, these columns (at the end) ae doubling up on quantities when there are quantities other than zero.
PartBins.imbQuantityOnHand, PartBins.imbQuantityAllocated
I do not need the zero quantities when there are non-zero quantities, otherwise I am fine with the zero quantities. The fact is, there is only one record to contend with, with the correct quantity.
Steve Anderson
May 19, 2021 at 10:10 pm
Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.
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May 20, 2021 at 11:53 am
Hello Stephen
Its tricky coming up with a solution when there is no schema or test data posted with a complex query...
Some observations:
Suggest pulling out the group by and sum clauses. Evaluate the sum in a separate Common Table Expression or 'CTE'. CTEs are really powerful, see
Have had a go at this but , without schema and test data, code suggestion can not be tested. Am sticking my neck out here. Don't judge me too harshly...
; -- any sql statement prior to WITH must be terminated with the sql statement terminator, a semicolum
with JMO as (
select jmoJobID, SUM(jmoCompletedProductionHours) AS Hours
from JobOperations
WHERE jmoJobID LIKE '2%' AND LEN(jmoJobID) = 5 AND jmoProductionComplete = 0
group by jmoJobID
SELECT JobOperations.jmoJobID AS JobNo, JobAssemblies.jmaPartID AS PartID, JobAssemblies.jmaPartShortDescription AS Description,
JobOperations.jmoOperationQuantity AS Qty, JobOperations.jmoWorkCenterID AS WorkCenter, JobOperations.jmoProcessID AS Process,
JMO.Hours, JobOperations.jmoProductionComplete AS C,
CAST(JobOperations.jmoCreatedDate AS DATE) AS StartDate, CAST(JobAssemblies.jmaCompletedDate AS DATE) AS CompleteDate,
PartBins.imbQuantityOnHand, PartBins.imbQuantityAllocated
inner join JobOperations on JMO.jmoJobID = JobOperations.jmoJobID
INNER JOIN JobAssemblies On JobOperations.jmoJobID = JobAssemblies.jmaJobID
INNER JOIN PartBins ON JobAssemblies.jmaPartID = PartBins.imbPartID
ORDER BY JobOperations.jmoJobID, JobOperations.jmoWorkCenterID;
All the best.
May 20, 2021 at 12:12 pm
Without sample data, nor expected results, it's difficult/impossible to give a definitive answer, however, you CAST
your 2 date columns to a date
in your SELECT
but not in the GROUP BY
. If those columns are a date and time value, then you're not grouping on the same values you have in your SELECT
and you will get a row for each distinct date and time on those columns, not just the date.
Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.
May 26, 2021 at 8:14 pm
SELECT JobOperations.jmoJobID AS JobNo, JobAssemblies.jmaPartID AS PartID, JobAssemblies.jmaPartShortDescription AS Description, JobOperations.jmoOperationQuantity AS Qty, JobOperations.jmoWorkCenterID AS WorkCenter, JobOperations.jmoProcessID AS Process, SUM(JobOperations.jmoCompletedProductionHours) AS Hours, JobOperations.jmoProductionComplete AS C, CAST(JobOperations.jmoCreatedDate AS DATE) AS StartDate, CAST(JobAssemblies.jmaCompletedDate AS DATE) AS CompleteDate, MAX(PartBins.imbQuantityOnHand) AS QuantityOnHand, PartBins.imbQuantityAllocated AS QuantityAllocated
FROM JobOperations
INNER JOIN JobAssemblies ON JobOperations.jmoJobID = JobAssemblies.jmaJobID
INNER JOIN Jobs ON JobOperations.jmoJobID = Jobs.jmpJobID
INNER JOIN PartBins ON JobAssemblies.jmaPartID = PartBins.imbPartID
WHERE jmoJobID LIKE '2%' AND LEN(jmoJobID) = 5 AND JobOperations.jmoProductionComplete = 0
GROUP BY JobOperations.jmoJobID, JobAssemblies.jmaPartID, JobAssemblies.jmaPartShortDescription, JobOperations.jmoOperationQuantity, JobOperations.jmoWorkCenterID, JobOperations.jmoProcessID, JobOperations.jmoProductionComplete, JobOperations.jmoCreatedDate, JobAssemblies.jmaCompletedDate, PartBins.imbQuantityOnHand, PartBins.imbQuantityAllocated
ORDER BY JobOperations.jmoJobID, JobOperations.jmoWorkCenterID
Attached is a pic of the sample data. What bothers me is we are just adding a row for zero value for Quantity on Hand. Look at the end of JobNo 20611. There is no value of zero in the data. The query is producing this information. a row with a zero value for
Steve Anderson
May 26, 2021 at 8:57 pm
I did figure this out, so much thanks to everyone for the help. There was zer0 data after all....
Steve Anderson
May 27, 2021 at 9:58 am
This was removed by the editor as SPAM
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