Select date/time field on a daily basis

  • I'm trying to put togather a DTS package that will output data to a file based on on the date of the transaction. For example I need all transaction that are time stamped for today to be processed to an output file at midnight.  But I don't want transaction that occured before today.  I'm not sure how to word the T-SQL Statement.  The following gives T-SQL gives me todays output: 

    SELECT     *

    FROM         msglog

    WHERE     (msglog_crtdt > CONVERT(DATETIME, '2004-12-10 00:00:00', 102))

    How will my DTS package know only to give the prior days output?




  • getdate() gives you current date time... converting (convert) it to string and trimming off (substring) the time portion will give you todays calendar date which you can look for all >=... or you cand use dateadd to get yesterday's... 

  • To get all the transactions for 2004-12-10,

    You could do this:

    select    *

    from      msglog

    where     datediff(day,msglog_crtdt,'20041210') = 0


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • I can't have any hard coded dates in my query because I always need to capture tranactions from the previous day.  This job will run daily to capture actvity from the prior day.

  • ok do:

    select    *

    from      msglog

    where     datediff(day,msglog_crtdt,floor(cast(getdate()-1 as float))) = 0

    for previous day ( i.e. day before getdate() )


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

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