Select Count as Column

  • I am trying to get the computed value for these columns in a single select statement. I have created this in original background) but would like to convert it to TSQL as to expand my knowledge.

    SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT towergrid_reference_natowers.origin_latitude as [Latitude],

    towergrid_reference_natowers.origin_longitude as [Longitude],

    [Mile1] = Cast((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM towergrid_reference_natowers WHERE (towergrid_reference_natowers.distance_miles < 1)) as Float),

    [Mile1 w/Pct] = Cast((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM towergrid_reference_natowers WHERE (towergrid_reference_natowers.distance_miles < 1)) as Float) * .98

    FROM towergrid_reference_natowers

    GROUP BY towergrid_reference_natowers.origin_latitude, towergrid_reference_natowers.origin_longitude

    ORDER BY towergrid_reference_natowers.origin_longitude, towergrid_reference_natowers.origin_latitude

    Thank you.

  • Now, I am not necessarily looking for the solution but maybe to a site that might have the answer even with some reading. (Trying to learn this, not get someone to write it for me.)

  • Hi,

    Not really sure what you are after here!

    Does the query you posted give the results you want?


  • No it gives a total of the whole table with the < 1, I am looking for the result for each individual lat, lon combination.

  • Does this give you what you need?


    towergrid_reference_natowers.origin_latitude as [Latitude],

    towergrid_reference_natowers.origin_longitude as [Longitude],

    SUM(CASE WHEN towergrid_reference_natowers.distance_miles < 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [Mile1]

    SUM(CASE WHEN towergrid_reference_natowers.distance_miles < 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) * .98 AS [Mile1 w/Pct]

    FROM towergrid_reference_natowers

    GROUP BY towergrid_reference_natowers.origin_latitude, towergrid_reference_natowers.origin_longitude

    ORDER BY towergrid_reference_natowers.origin_longitude, towergrid_reference_natowers.origin_latitude

    Check out following reference for details of cross-tab queries

  • Very very nice, That's awesome. Not sure how I would ever come up with such a solution.

  • I didn't either! follow the link and read (a lot;) and you'll get more tools in your bat-belt.

  • I didn't realize that it would act almost like a cursor processing through the records like that, I must rethink my whole sql knowledge now.

  • i think this is what you are looking for; you need to use a CASE to get your "conditional" count that you were trying to do in the internal WHERE statements:

    ==EDIT: Allister Reid beat me to it while i was checking synbtax! wtg!==


    towergrid_reference_natowers.origin_latitude as [Latitude],

    towergrid_reference_natowers.origin_longitude as [Longitude],


    WHEN towergrid_reference_natowers.distance_miles < 1

    THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END) AS Mile1],


    WHEN towergrid_reference_natowers.distance_miles < 1

    THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END) AS Mile1] * .98 AS [Mile1 w/Pct],

    FROM towergrid_reference_natowers

    GROUP BY towergrid_reference_natowers.origin_latitude, towergrid_reference_natowers.origin_longitude

    ORDER BY towergrid_reference_natowers.origin_longitude, towergrid_reference_natowers.origin_latitude


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Thanks Lowell, you helped by helping me learn how to describe the problem as a "conditional count" thanks very much for that extra bit.

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