Select Columns based on input

  • I am creating a stored procedure that produces a fee forecast.

    The figures in the table are based on periods 1-9 headed EV_FFM1, EV_FFM2, EV_FFM3 etc.

    when I query the database I can only figure out how to select the data by using the forecast month number and then use that to determine the column list I use and then use it in a dynamic sql statement as follows.

    set @fMonth = 6

    Forecast FeeColumns

    set @EV_colStr1 =


    when @fMonth = 1 then 'EV_FFM1 '

    when @fMonth = 2 then 'EV_FFM1,EV_FFM2 '

    when @fMonth = 3 then 'EV_FFM1,EV_FFM2,EV_FFM3 '

    when @fMonth = 4 then 'EV_FFM1,EV_FFM2,EV_FFM3,EV_FFM4 '

    when @fMonth = 5 then 'EV_FFM1,EV_FFM2,EV_FFM3,EV_FFM4,EV_FFM5 '

    when @fMonth = 6 then 'EV_FFM1,EV_FFM2,EV_FFM3,EV_FFM4,EV_FFM5,EV_FFM6 '

    when @fMonth = 7 then 'EV_FFM1,EV_FFM2,EV_FFM3,EV_FFM4,EV_FFM5,EV_FFM6,EV_FFM7 '

    when @fMonth = 8 then 'EV_FFM1,EV_FFM2,EV_FFM3,EV_FFM4,EV_FFM5,EV_FFM6,EV_FFM7,EV_FFM8 '

    when @fMonth = 9 then 'EV_FFM1,EV_FFM2,EV_FFM3,EV_FFM4,EV_FFM5,EV_FFM6,EV_FFM7,EV_FFM8,

    EV_FFM9 '


    I then build up the sql string

    set @strSql =''

    set @strSql = @strSql + 'select distinct EV_PROJ_ID, EV_CC, EV_CONTRACT_TYPE, EV_DATE, EV_COST_TD, '



    set @strSql = @strSql + ''+@EV_colStr1 +''

    set @strSql = @strSql + ' FROM [CCREPORT].[dbo].[vw_BH_Earned_Value] '

    set @strSql = @strSql + 'where ev_contract_type !=''proposal'''

    this works fine, but my question is is there a better way of building the column list without using dynamic sql?

    I thought there maybe something in XML or Tally tables, but I have not been able to suss them out yet.


  • If the columns you want to return are variable depending on input then your options on the SQL side are either to use dynamic sql or use if blocks to return different selects.

    In the example you've given, I would probably return all the columns and then limit which are visible at the presentation layer if that is an option for you. (This may not be possible depending on what sort of application you are using.)

    └> bt

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  • This is actually a good example of a bad design.

    Make a separate table:

    CREATE TABLE Periods (

    PKCOLUMNs from original table,

    Period tinyint,

    EV_FFM (unknown datatype),


    Now, your query becomes simple:

    select EV_FFM

    from Periods


    AND Period <= @fMonth

    ORDER BY Period

    Join this to the rest of your existing query.

    A lot easier, isn't it?

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • Another option would be to normalize your data either by changing the design or using UNPIVOT. The required data could easily be selected from the resulting table (or cte or subquery) assuming the re-pivoting could be done within the frontend. Return the data in XML format would be an option, too.

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • Thanks for the replies guys, most helpful.

    I have used a little bit of each suggestion and come up with a solution.

    I have no access to the presentation layer so that is out.

    I am not sure of the origins of this table, how it is used and how it gets populated, so changing the table design is not an option.

    The data in the table changes regularly so I did not fancy populating it from the original table periodically.

    So my temporary fix is to create a view and use UNPIVOT to normalise the data and then just joined it to the existing query as suggested.

    seems simple now its been highlighted to me.


  • Steve,

    Thanks for the feedback. Sounds like you came up with a do-able solution.

    (Isn't it amazing how many people run into the "can't see the forest for the trees" type of problem?)

    Edit: I'm a bit curious about the view that you created - would you mind posting it here?

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
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  • Wayne,

    thanks for the follow up. You are so right.

    I have just had to take on some of the Accounts stuff and I have been so concerned with understanding the terminology they use and relating that to their data that I have completely missed some table design fundamentals....

    Here is a copy of the view I came up with

    CREATE view [dbo].[vw_BH_EV_FFM_UNPIVOT] as

    select [EV_ID],[EV_PROJ_ID],[EV_CC],[EV_DATE],[EV_CONTRACT_TYPE], tblPivot.Property, tblPivot.Value

    from (SELECT [EV_ID]





    ,CONVERT(sql_variant,[EV_FFM1]) AS [EV_FFM1]

    ,CONVERT(sql_variant,[EV_FFM2]) AS [EV_FFM2]

    ,CONVERT(sql_variant,[EV_FFM3]) AS [EV_FFM3]

    ,CONVERT(sql_variant,[EV_FFM4]) AS [EV_FFM4]

    ,CONVERT(sql_variant,[EV_FFM5]) AS [EV_FFM5]

    ,CONVERT(sql_variant,[EV_FFM6]) AS [EV_FFM6]

    ,CONVERT(sql_variant,[EV_FFM7]) AS [EV_FFM7]

    ,CONVERT(sql_variant,[EV_FFM8]) AS [EV_FFM8]

    ,CONVERT(sql_variant,[EV_FFM9]) AS [EV_FFM9]

    FROM [CCREPORT].[dbo].[vw_BH_Earned_Value])


    UNPIVOT (Value For Property In (EV_FFM1,EV_FFM2,EV_FFM3,EV_FFM4,EV_FFM5,EV_FFM6,EV_FFM7,EV_FFM8,EV_FFM9)) as tblPivot


    This is the query I use to query the data in the view

    SELECT EV_ID,EV_proj_id,EV_CC,EV_DATE,EV_CONTRACT_TYPE,property,value


    where ev_date = @cDate

    and EV_CC in (@strCCs)

    and EV_CONTRACT_TYPE !='proposal'

    and cast(right(property,1) as int) <=@fMonth

    order by EV_Proj_id

    I can now join this to the existing query using the EV_ID and EV_proj_id.

    Another plus is that I have been able to strip out all the dynamic sql, which I can't stand.

    Thanks again.


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