July 21, 2009 at 4:32 pm
Hello World:
I have a brain busting requirement. I can't alter the original table due to business.
However I'm required to write a select statement for a report.
The requirement I'm having trouble with is best shown in the picture below.
If a matching contact has identical values of asmemberof but different ballot values, i need to not show that value or make it ''.
I'm starting to think that's not possible. If not I'm not sure what to tell my higher ups.
here is the code I used:
INSERT INTO #Ballot (ballotcommitteeid, ballotcommitteename)
SELECT DISTINCT ballotcommitteeid, ballotcommitteename
FROM MS_CRM3.dbo.user_tcc_committeeinactivityreport
WHERE ballotenddate >= CONVERT(DATETIME, '2008-04-01 00:00:00',102)
ORDER BY ballotcommitteename ASC
CREATE TABLE #InactiveContact (
INSERT INTO #inactivecontact (pa_contactid, pa_contactidname)
SELECT DISTINCT pa_contactid, pa_contactidname
FROM MS_CRM3.dbo.user_tcc_committeeinactivityreport
WHERE ballotenddate >= CONVERT (DATETIME, '2008-04-01 00:00:00',102)
ORDER BY pa_contactidname
asmemberofidINT IDENTITY(1,1),
INSERT INTO #AsMemberOf (asmemberof, asmemberof1, asmemberof2, asmemberof3, asmemberof4, asmemberof5, asmemberof6, ballotcommitteeid)
SUBSTRING(asmemberof, 1,6) AS asmemberof1,
SUBSTRING(asmemberof, 9,6) AS asmemberof2,
SUBSTRING(asmemberof,17,6) AS asmemberof3,
SUBSTRING(asmemberof, 25,6) AS asmemberof4,
SUBSTRING(asmemberof, 33,6) AS asmemberof5,
SUBSTRING(asmemberof, 41,6) AS asmemberof6,
FROM MS_CRM3.dbo.user_tcc_committeeinactivityreport
WHERE (ballotenddate >= CONVERT(DATETIME, '2008-04-01 00:00:00',102))
AND asmemberof LIKE 'STG%,_STG%,_STG%'
CREATE TABLE #inactivecontactasmemberof (
INSERT INTO #inactivecontactasmemberof (pa_contactid, asmemberofid)
SELECT a.pa_contactid, amo.asmemberofid
FROM MS_CRM3.dbo.user_tcc_committeeinactivityreport a
INNER JOIN #asmemberof amo ON a.asmemberof = amo.asmemberof
AND a.ballotcommitteeid = amo.ballotcommitteeid
WHERE (a.ballotenddate >= CONVERT(DATETIME, '2008-04-01 00:00:00',102))
asmemberof4 = CASE WHEN (asmemberof.asmemberof4) LIKE 'TG%' THEN '' ELSE (asmemberof.asmemberof4) END,
asmemberof5 = CASE WHEN (asmemberof.asmemberof5) LIKE 'TG%' THEN '' ELSE (asmemberof.asmemberof5) END,
asmemberof6 = CASE WHEN (asmemberof.asmemberof6) LIKE 'TG%' THEN '' ELSE (asmemberof.asmemberof6) END,
FROM#inactivecontact contact
INNER JOIN #inactivecontactasmemberof contactasmemberof
ON contact.pa_contactid = contactasmemberof.pa_contactid
INNER JOIN #asmemberof asmemberof
ON contactasmemberof.asmemberofid = asmemberof.asmemberofid
INNER JOIN #ballot ballot
ON asmemberof.ballotcommitteeid = ballot.ballotcommitteeid
ORDER BY pa_contactidname ASC
DROP TABLE #InactiveContact
DROP TABLE #inactivecontactasmemberof
July 21, 2009 at 4:50 pm
Can you provide us with the DDL for the table(s), some sample data (as insert statements), and expected results based on the sample data. From looking at your picture, we shouldn't need much data, just enough to recreate your problem so that we can then work on a solution as well.
July 22, 2009 at 8:10 am
Hi Lynn
attached are the table ddl and sample inserts
July 22, 2009 at 8:19 am
peter.nguyen (7/22/2009)
Hi Lynnattached are the table ddl and sample inserts
Okay, but what about the expected results based on the sample data?
July 22, 2009 at 8:21 am
It would also be nice if you had two or three individuals in the sample data instead of just one.
July 22, 2009 at 8:23 am
Also, the table and data provided to seem to match what you showed us in your original post. How about a little more information about what you are looking for here.
July 22, 2009 at 8:49 am
Attachments for more sample data. ignore the first sample data I sent earlier.
Here is a pic of the output that is required:
Thanks again so much for wanting to help 😀
July 22, 2009 at 8:57 am
I forgot to mention three or more STGs for each individual.
It's ok if John Doe in row 1 and Jane Doe in row 2 and Peter Doe in row 3 have three of the same STG.
But it's not ok if Row 1-3 were John Doe with matching STGs
July 22, 2009 at 9:09 am
Your data still doesn't match your ariginal picture. Is there a query that is run against this data that produces the data as seen in your original post?
Nevermind, STILL not enough caffine. Would help to look at all of the original post.
July 22, 2009 at 9:21 am
Did you find enough info?
the original data got changed over night so I had to send you the newer data that needed to be displayed differently
July 22, 2009 at 9:27 am
peter.nguyen (7/22/2009)
Sorry.Attachments for more sample data. ignore the first sample data I sent earlier.
Here is a pic of the output that is required:
Thanks again so much for wanting to help 😀
Now to paraphrase, for each row where an individual is reported more than once, you only want to see the unique STG's in the individual memberof columns? Or is the number 3 important here (ie STG05 is in 2 of the rows).
July 22, 2009 at 9:31 am
that is correct.
I didn't know how to approach it so I created temporary tables and splitted the columns but then I didn't know how to not show the duplicate values in the splitted columns.
July 22, 2009 at 9:53 am
I'm starting to think the solution is to somehow merge records? I'm not sure if that would be the right approach or if it even exists in t-sql
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