Select case Logic

  • Hi,

    Below are the sample to play with. Assume always there will be 2 rows in the temp variable.

    DECLARE @test-2 TABLE (
        Id INT
        ,IsRegistered TINYINT
        ,IsAccepted TINYINT
        ,DBContent VARCHAR(max)
        ,@T2Id INT
        ,@T1Passed TINYINT
        ,@T1DBContent VARCHAR(max)
        ,@T2Passed TINYINT
        ,@T2DBContent VARCHAR(max)

    INSERT INTO @test-2
    SELECT 1


    SELECT 2

            WHEN Id = 1
                THEN 1
            ELSE 0
        ,@T1Passed = CASE
            WHEN Id = 1
                AND IsRegistered = 1
                AND IsAccepted = 0
                THEN 1
            ELSE 0
        ,@T1DBContent = CASE
            WHEN Id = 1
                AND IsRegistered = 1
                AND IsAccepted = 0
                THEN DBContent
            ELSE ''
        ,@T2Id = CASE
            WHEN Id = 2
                THEN 2
            ELSE 0
        ,@T2Passed = CASE
            WHEN Id = 2
                AND IsRegistered = 1
                AND IsAccepted = 0
                THEN 1
            ELSE 0
        ,@T2DBContent = CASE
            WHEN Id = 2
                AND IsRegistered = 1
                AND IsAccepted = 0
                THEN DBContent
            ELSE ''
    FROM @test-2

    SELECT @T1Id

    --Expeced Result

    select 1 as T1Id ,1 as T1Passed ,'Test1' as T1DBContent, 2 as T2Id ,1 as T2Passed,'Test2' as T2DBContent

    Not sure what am i doing wrong. not getting the expected result. Any suggestion or correction please

  • The result set you're getting is to be expected. You're trying to assign multiple rows to a single variable. Thus the result from the final row is assign (In this case 2, 1, 1, 'Test2').

    What is your goal here. Do you have to assign these values to Variables and select from them, or can you do it simply with a SELECT statement from your table?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • I think, problem is that @test-2 table contains 2 rows. So the variable assign is applied twice.
    In this case @T1Id, while reading first row of @test-2, the value is set to 1, but after read second row the condition Id = 1 is false and @T1Id is set to 0.

  • nemecek.jano - Thursday, February 2, 2017 8:41 AM

    I think, problem is that @test-2 table contains 2 rows. So the variable assign is applied twice.
    In this case @T1Id, while reading first row of @test-2, the value is set to 1, but after read second row the condition Id = 1 is false and @T1Id is set to 0.

    -- Your variables will be reset for every row encountered.

    -- So initialise them to the "No" value,

    -- and only change them when the correct set of valus are encountered on a row.

    -- BEWARE! For row 2, IsAccepted = 1, but you're checking for IsAccepted = 0 in the code.

    DECLARE @test-2 TABLE (

    Id INT

    ,IsRegistered TINYINT

    ,IsAccepted TINYINT

    ,DBContent VARCHAR(max)



    ,@T2Id INT

    ,@T1Passed TINYINT

    ,@T1DBContent VARCHAR(max)

    ,@T2Passed TINYINT

    ,@T2DBContent VARCHAR(max)

    INSERT INTO @test-2 (Id, IsRegistered, IsAccepted, DBContent)

    SELECT 1, 1, 0, 'Test1'


    SELECT 2, 1, 1, 'Test2';


    @T1Id = CASE WHEN Id = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,

    @T1Passed = CASE WHEN Id = 1 AND IsRegistered = 1 AND IsAccepted = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,

    @T1DBContent = CASE WHEN Id = 1 AND IsRegistered = 1 AND IsAccepted = 0 THEN DBContent ELSE '' END,

    @T2Id = CASE WHEN Id = 2 THEN 2 ELSE 0 END,

    @T2Passed = CASE WHEN Id = 2 AND IsRegistered = 1 AND IsAccepted = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,

    @T2DBContent = CASE WHEN Id = 2 AND IsRegistered = 1 AND IsAccepted = 0 THEN DBContent ELSE '' END

    FROM @test-2


    @T1Id = 0,

    @T2Id = 0,

    @T1Passed = 0,

    @T1DBContent = '',

    @T2Passed = 0,

    @T2DBContent = ''


    @T1Id = CASE WHEN Id = 1 THEN 1 ELSE @T1Id END,

    @T1Passed = CASE WHEN Id = 1 AND IsRegistered = 1 AND IsAccepted = 0 THEN 1 ELSE @T1Passed END,

    @T1DBContent = CASE WHEN Id = 1 AND IsRegistered = 1 AND IsAccepted = 0 THEN DBContent ELSE @T1DBContent END,

    @T2Id = CASE WHEN Id = 2 THEN 2 ELSE @T2Id END,

    @T2Passed = CASE WHEN Id = 2 AND IsRegistered = 1 AND IsAccepted = 0 THEN 1 ELSE @T2Passed END,

    @T2DBContent = CASE WHEN Id = 2 AND IsRegistered = 1 AND IsAccepted = 0 THEN DBContent ELSE @T2DBContent END

    FROM @test-2

    SELECT @T1Id






    --Expected Result (not really, see notes ^^)

    select 1 as T1Id ,1 as T1Passed ,'Test1' as T1DBContent, 2 as T2Id ,1 as T2Passed,'Test2' as T2DBContent

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

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  • Is this perhaps what you are looking for? 

    CASE WHEN IsRegistered = 1 AND IsAccepted = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Passed

    FROM @test-2

    SELECT quote FROM brain WHERE original = 1
    0 rows returned

  • Thanks everyone who tried to help me and Chris M solution worked for me. appreciated your time on this,

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