Select all dates from startdate and enddate

  • Hi,

    How do we display all dates within startdate and enddate using sql query? For Example I want to display all dates within 9/5/2007(startdate) and 9/8/2007(enddate)

    The output will be





  • Answer in in the syntax of a query:

    SELECT ...

    FROM ???

    Where have you "all dates" stored in?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Hi

    I have stored the start date and end date in a table named Reservation.

    It has the following fields




    email varchar50

    startdate datetime

    enddate datetime

    I do want to the select all dates within startdate and enddate.

  • You want to select all dates FROM WHERE?

    Where are all dates stored?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • If you dont have a table containing the dates you are trying to find that lie between a date range, well... review your design.

    You could do something like this though (not sure what format your dates are in).

    Declare @StartDate datetime

    Declare @EndDate datetime

    set @StartDate = [insert datetime value here]

    set @EndDate = [insert datetime value here]

    Select distinct convert(varchar, StartDate, 103)

    from Reservation

    where convert(int, convert(varchar, StartDate, 112)) between

    convert(int, convert(varchar, @StartDate, 112)) AND convert(int, convert(varchar, @EndDate, 112))

    order by 1

    This is selecting a list of start dates from your reservation table that lie between the range. If you dont want start dates, then you need to have a table that contains the dates that you want to select.

  • Since you want to select something that is NOT in your table (at least I assume you want to select ALL dates between certain boundaries, not only those where there is some reservation), you have to create a table that holds all dates.

    Search these forums for "Dates table" or "Tally table", you'll find many posts where it is explained how to use them and how to create them.

  • maybe this is what you may be looking for:

    CREATE FUNCTION ufn_dba_Get_Daterange (@Startdate smalldatetime, @Enddate smalldatetime )

    RETURNS @RangeDates TABLE (DateValue smalldatetime not null)



       DECLARE @Number int


       Set @Number = datediff(d, CONVERT(varchar(10),@Startdate,121), CONVERT(varchar(10),@Enddate,121))

       Declare @Looping int

       Set @Looping = 0

       Declare @wStartdate smalldatetime

       Set @wStartdate = CONVERT(varchar(10),@Startdate,121)

       While @Looping < @Number


        INSERT @RangeDates values(dateadd(d, @Looping, @wStartdate))

        Set @Looping = @Looping + 1






    select *

    from dbo.ufn_dba_Get_Daterange('2007-08-01 13:00:20', '2007-08-20 14:30')


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  • Hi,

    Yes.This is what Iam looking for.But How can I write this in an sql query so that I can use it for booking application which checks for available dates in a For Example when a customer checks for available dates I can validate this is in the backend by checking all dates within startdate and enddate.

  • SELECT *

    FROM DateTableFunction() AS dtf

    LEFT JOIN BookingTable AS bt ON bt.FromDate < dtf.Date AND bt.ToDate > dtf.Date

    WHERE bt.FromDate IS NULL

    Also, a more efficient date tabelfunction is found here


    N 56°04'39.16"
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  • That's indeed a nice article Peter

    Also ginish , this query is going to be executed frequently I think the first rule for every RDBMS goes : TELL YOUR SYSTEM WHAT YOU KNOW.

    What I mean is : Build a date-table to use with it.

    You may be better off than generating it dynamicaly (TVF) with every query.


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