October 25, 2004 at 12:55 am
Hi all,
I have an application using MS Access XP as a front-end and SQL 2000 as a back-end. I am attaching the tables in my SQL database to the Access XP database using ODBC connections. The problem I am facing is the following:
I created a user in SQL and gave him db_owner permissions to my SQL database and at the same time I denied his access to certain tables in this SQL database.
In SQL entreprise manager, when I login with this user Name and Pswrd, I can access all the tables in this database except the tables for which he has no permission to access. So far, my security is working perfectly.
In my Access XP database, if I open the database in running mode the security is considered perfectly and the user is not allowed to open any program using the tables in question. (Note: I am refreshing by program the attachment of the SQL tables using this user name and pswrd.)
However, If the user goes and open the .mdb file of my Access XP database and then open any of those tables that he is not allowed to access the program opens the tables and let him see the data inside as if no security exists.
I tried everything I know and could not find any solution. Therefore, i will appreciate any possible help from you.
Thanks in advance
October 26, 2004 at 7:24 am
When you manually create a link from Access to an ODBC data source, at the "Link Tables" dialog there is an option "Save password" make sure that is not checked. That way, if they open the mdb it will prompt them to log in to the data source if they open a linked ODBC table. Also, your refresh code should not save the password in connection string.
October 26, 2004 at 8:13 am
First I want to thank you Mr Mitchel for replying to my posted problem. I think you are right regarding the saving of the password inside the attachement. But, my problem is that my application have a major database (ie: main.mdb file) and a periferal databases (sales.mdb files). In the major database we refer to sales.mdb database inside the "References" section and when I open the application Main.mdb inside this database I refresh the attachements of the tables inside Sales.mdb as follow:
sConnect = GetSQLConnectString(DataPath) '''nb: sconnect => ODBC;DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=MainServer; DATABASE=Test;UID=Usr1; PWD=Test;Trusted_Connection=No
Set dbLoc = OpenDatabase(ProgPath) 'ProgPath c:\ApplicFolder\Sales.mdb
If Not rsLinks.EOF Then 'rslink is a recordset that reads all tables that should be linked in TSales.mdb
iCount = rsLinks.RecordCount
End If
Set tdfLoc = dbLoc.TableDefs
For i = 0 To iCount - 1
sTable = rsLinks!TableName
If Left(sTable, 4) = "dbo." Then sTable = Mid(sTable, 5)
Set tblLoc = tdfLoc(sTable)
If tblLoc.Connect <> "" And tblLoc.Connect <> sConnect Then
dbLoc.TableDefs.Delete sTable 'delete table if exists
Set tblLoc = dbLoc.CreateTableDef(sTable)
With tblLoc
.Connect = sConnect 'Connection path
.SourceTableName = sTable 'name of table to connect
End With
tdfLoc.Append tblLoc
End If
next i
As you can see I am attaching using "sconnect" and I am saving the user name and password in the connection. If I remove the password from the "sconnect" path and set it to blank then the system when it refreshes each table it will prompt me to enter the password. I do not know if i wrote something wrong in the code but that's the only way i know to refresh the linked tables in a remote database.
I do not know if I was clear in my explanation but I appreciate if you can help me on this issue.
Thanks in advance
October 26, 2004 at 1:13 pm
Instead of deleting and then re-creating the TableDef, you could just change the connection string and then refresh the link, like this:
With tblLoc
.Connect = sConnect 'Connection path
End With
October 29, 2004 at 2:50 am
Hi Mr Mitchell,
I tried what you have told me but I got the following error: "Invalid operation." on ".RefreshLink". However, I added to my code the following:
.Attributes = dbAttachSavePWD
it becomes like this:
With tblLoc
.Connect = sConnect
.SourceTableName = sTable
.Attributes = dbAttachSavePWD
End With
It worked the security was considered and the user was not able to open the tables he was not supposed to open.
I want to thank you very much for your help.
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