Security Permissions for Reporting Services - Help Requested

  • I've recently installed Reporting Services on a 64-bit Windows 2003 Server running SQL 2005 and IIS6.  When any user goes to the URL http://servername/reports they see the folder graphic, "SQL Server Reporting Services Home" on the left-hand side of the page, and Home | My Subscriptions | Help on the upper right-hand side of the page, but that's it.  They don't get the Contents or Properties tabs, or the options underneath those, or the Search box and Site Settings on the upper-right hand side of the screen.

    I have NT Reporting Services configured to use the default NT Authority\NetworkService account as the Windows Service Identity and Web Service Identity.  I've left the default DefaultAppPool for both the Report Server and Report Manager.

    The reason I think this is a permissions issue is that if I add an account to the local administrators group (for example, my domain login) then when that user goes to http://servername/reports they see everything they're supposed to, and have access to everything they're supposed to.

    I can't believe that I have to make anyone who uses Reporting Services over the web a member of the local administrator's group on the server--that just doesn't make sense.  I must be missing something in the permissions of my configuration, but I can't figure out what it is.  Can anyone help me by giving me a link to a good reference for configuring Reporting Services permissions?  Thanks in advance!

  • PErhaps stupid questions but how is yr sql server installed ?

    Only SQL server security or mixed with nt authentication ?


  • You have to give browser access to the users.

    Go to the home page, then Properties and click New Role Assignment. Add the group of users or the user and assign the Browser role.

  • The Reporting Services Report Manager help file is a pretty good place to start, it describes all of the different roles and users that you can use within reporting services

    e.g a user with the role of 'Content Manager' can do just about everything on the reporting services site whereas a user with the role of 'Browser' can only view reports (there are many other roles and groups described). Security permissions can be set at different levels and will cascade down through folders unless changed at a lower level folder

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