Security: Dynamic Order By clause using sp_executeSql

  • This is a contrived example - but illustrates what I'm trying to fix

    I have a code where the client can change the sort order via a parameter.

    DECLARE @pageTop INT = 1
    DECLARE @pageBottom INT = 10
    DECLARE @OrderBy NVARCHAR(500) = 'object_id desc';

    SELECT * ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ' + @OrderBy + ') AS [RowNo] INTO #orderedCols FROM sys.columns ORDER BY ' + @OrderBy + ';SELECT * FROM #orderedCols WHERE RowNo BETWEEN @PageTop AND @PageBottom ORDER BY RowNo
    EXEC sp_executeSql @SQL, N'@PageTop INT, @PageBottom INT', @pageTop, @pageBottom

    And this is vulnerable to injection attacks as follows

    DECLARE @pageTop INT = 1
    DECLARE @pageBottom INT = 10
    DECLARE @OrderBy NVARCHAR(500) = 'name) FROM sys.database_principals;PRINT ''you have been hacked!''--'

    SELECT * ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ' + @OrderBy + ') AS [RowNo] INTO #orderedCols FROM sys.columns ORDER BY ' + @OrderBy + '; SELECT * FROM #orderedCols WHERE RowNo BETWEEN @PageTop AND @PageBottom ORDER BY RowNo

    EXEC sp_executeSql @SQLUnsafe, N'@PageTop INT, @PageBottom INT', @pageTop, @pageBottom

    The Order by parameter cannot be included in the sp_executeSql parameters - this does not work

    DECLARE @pageTop INT = 1
    DECLARE @pageBottom INT = 10
    DECLARE @OrderBy NVARCHAR(500) = 'object_id desc';

    DECLARE @SQL_givesError NVARCHAR(MAX) = '
    SELECT * ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY @OrderBy) AS [RowNo] INTO #orderedCols FROM sys.columns ORDER BY @OrderBy; SELECT * FROM #orderedCols WHERE RowNo BETWEEN @PageTop AND @PageBottom ORDER BY RowNo
    EXEC sp_executeSql @SQL_givesError, N'@OrderBy NVARCHAR(500), @PageTop INT, @PageBottom INT', @OrderBy, @pageTop, @pageBottom

    Error is:

    Msg 1008, Level 16, State 1, Line 57

    The SELECT item identified by the ORDER BY number 1 contains a variable as part of the expression identifying a column position. Variables are only allowed when ordering by an expression referencing a column name.

    How can I parameterize @OrderBy to protect against the injection attack


  • It's a bit hacky and not as user-friendly, but if you were to create two arguments as follows

    @SortColumnCode TINYINT

    @SortOrder BIT = 0

    and then decode the SortColumnCode number to a column name inside your proc, the injection threat goes away because the datatype is enforced. But you'd have to provide a Code/Column Name list to the client.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Maybe a TVP w/ SortColumnName and Direction/SortOrder columns? SortOrder could be constrained to 'ASC' & 'DESC', or '+' & '-'

    With validation in the procedure that SortColumnName is actually a valid column name

  • ratbak wrote:


    With validation in the procedure that SortColumnName is actually a valid column name

    I thought about this too. But this validation needs to be written carefully, also to avoid the possibility of injection.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • For completeness: code for Phil's solution

    public enum SortColumn (
    Name = 1,
    Object_Id = 2
    public enum SortDirection (
    Ascending = 0,
    Descending = 1
    public class SortSubClause (
    public SortColumn SortColumn {get; set;}
    public SortDirection SortDirection {get; set;} = SortDirection.Ascending
    public class SortOrder (
    public IEnumerable<SortSubClause> SortClauses {get; set;}
    // build TVP type udt_SortOrder from SortOrder
    CREATE TYPE udt_SortOrder AS TABLE (
    SortColumnId TINYINT NOT NULL,
    SortDirection BIT NOT NULL

    -- in the PROC add parameter udt_SortOrder

    -- example
    DECLARE @SortClauses [udt_SortOrder]
    INSERT INTO @SortClauses (SortColumnId, SortDirection) VALUES
    (1,1) ,(2,0)

    SELECT @OrderBy = STUFF ((
    SELECT ', ' + CASE SortColumnId WHEN 1 THEN '[Name]'
    WHEN 2 THEN '[object_id]'
    END + ' ' +
    CASE WHEN SortDirection = 1 THEN 'DESC' ELSE '' END
    FROM @SortClauses
    FOR XML PATH ('') ),1,2,'')
    SELECT @OrderBy

    Advantage - deals with the injection threat - and client can only use valid sort parameters.

    But the disadvantage is maintenance in two places


  • Curious, why not create 2, 4, or ?? procs instead?  Instead of enums in C#, a UDT, and dynamic SQL could you not get rid of the parameterization and just create a proc for each situation?

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • unless the client is able to do their own sql, the list of possible columns, or even formulas used, would be available upfront on the UI - so allowing them to select for a list of possible column from within the output list, and specifying if ASC/DESC should be trivial.

    that output number of the column (from output list) would then be the one supplied to the SP, or even inserted into a session table for use within the SP. Using the column ordinal instead of the name would make it trivial to validate data as only valid values would be either a number or ASC/DESC.

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