August 25, 2016 at 11:45 am
I am pulling data from an Avaya system,
What I am trying to do. Example, I am pulling from [dAgentBySkillsetStat].[TotalStaffedTime] which is the total time in seconds, of staffedtime
The value I get for example, will be 29732 which is seconds - how would I divide this by /86399 then multiply by*24 to get the time in hours (dec)
,[dAgentBySkillsetStat].[TotalStaffedTime]/ (86400*24 as decimal(18,2)) [Hrs.StaffedTime]
,SUM([DNOutExtCalls]) as [OutBound_Calls]
,SUM([DNOutExtCallsTalkTime]) AS [OutBoundHandleTime]
FROM [LDW_Avaya].[dbo].[dAgentPerformanceStat]
GROUP by [AgentLogin],[TimeStamp]
,B AS (
,ISNULL(SUM([ActivityTime]),0) as [OffLineTime]
FROM [LDW_Avaya].[dbo].[DActivityCodeStat]
WHERE [ActivityCodeName] IN ('Offline TL or OM Permission','Offline EMail','Offline_CSM','Offline BPO')
GROUP BY [TimeStamp],[AgentLogin]
CONVERT (varchar,[dAgentBySkillsetStat].TimeStamp,1) AS 'DATE'
,CAST([dAgentBySkillsetStat].[AgentLogin] as Int) as EXT
,[dAgentBySkillsetStat].[AgentSurname] + ' ' + [dAgentBySkillsetStat].[AgentGivenName] as [AgentName]
,ISNULL(SUM([dAgentBySkillsetStat].[CallsOffered]),0) AS 'CallOffered'
,ISNULL(SUM([dAgentBySkillsetStat].[CallsAnswered]),0) as 'CallsAnswered'
,ISNULL(SUM([dAgentBySkillsetStat].[PostCallProcessingTime]),0) as 'ACW'
,ISNULL(SUM([dAgentBySkillsetStat].[ContactTalkTime]),0) as 'ContactTime'
,ISNULL(b.[OffLineTime],0) AS [Productive_OffLine]
,SUM(isnull([ContactTalkTime],0)+isnull([PostCallProcessingTime],0)+isnull([DNOutExtTalkTime],0)) as [Total_Talk_Time]
,(isnull(A.[OutBound_Calls],0)+isnull(sum([dAgentBySkillsetStat].[CallsAnswered]),0)) AS [Total_Calls]
,[dAgentBySkillsetStat].[TotalStaffedTime] /CAST(86400*24 as money) [Hrs.StaffedTime]
FROM [LDW_Avaya].[dbo].[dAgentBySkillsetStat]
LEFT JOIN A ON [dAgentBySkillsetStat].[AgentLogin] = A.[AgentLogin]
AND [dAgentBySkillsetStat].[TIMESTAMP] = A.[TIMESTAMP]
LEFT JOIN B ON [dAgentBySkillsetStat].[AgentLogin] = B.[AgentLogin]
AND [dAgentBySkillsetStat].[TIMESTAMP] = B.[TIMESTAMP]
AND [Skillset] in
August 25, 2016 at 12:01 pm
I'm sorry, I'm lost. What's the problem that you have?
August 25, 2016 at 12:01 pm
This seems too easy so maybe I don't understand but if you merely want to convert seconds to hours you can just do something like this.
DECLARE @seconds INT = 29732
SELECT CAST (@seconds * 1.0 / 3600 AS DECIMAL (5,2)) AS StaffedTimeHours
EDIT: I added the variable to make it more clear.
August 25, 2016 at 12:18 pm
this article by Jeff Moden may give you some ideas
you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
and remember....every day is a school day
August 25, 2016 at 6:03 pm
I'm wondering why you store staffed time in seconds. How much do you pay per second? 😛
Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills
August 26, 2016 at 12:51 am
The Dixie Flatline (8/25/2016)
I'm wondering why you store staffed time in seconds. How much do you pay per second? 😛
Been there and done that. It's the Avaya Phone System at work here. All calls are recorded in seconds and reporting is frequently done by summing the seconds (sometimes a rather HUGE number of seconds) and then converting them to decimal hours.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
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