searching a DTS for a DB

  • We have 170 DTS packages on a SQL Server and i was wondering whether anyone knew of a "quick" way of interogating all of them to find out what DB's they access. Rather than opening up each individual one and searching through them. All responses are greatfullly appreciated as otherwise it will take until the next milennia to do!

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  • Hi,

    Sorry for the length of the post - but I found it necessary to include part of actual code.

    I was thinking about writing an article based on my code but could not find time in the recent weeks to actually do it.

    I have used in the past a script that I applied to the packages written by my team - myself and two other people.

    I new what kind of task we were using and I was generating a text file which contain the information I needed,

    and I needed to know almost everything about Packages which contain the following tasks:








    Script is run once per each package and generates the text file - it's then easy to search text files for what you want using any

    programmer's editor.

    Actually the text file generated was sort of side effect of other things that I used to do inside my script - like automated editing or

    generating Structure Storage files for placing them to Visual Source Safe

    If you use or expect other tasks to be present in your packages - you need to use same approach.

    As general concept:

    I used VBScript within ther DataDrivenQuery task in a package that I created to do the job.

    At source I created an excel spreadsheet (you can use SQL Table or flat file as long as you define the structure to hold the packages names - and any other info you need to know to use in your script LoadFromSqlServer method to load the package.

    You mention on the server so this will do - oherwise you will use other method to load packages from somewhere else.

    Inside the script I create the text file which filename corresponds to package name, into which I write the information I am interested in: about the package its properties, collections and individual tasks, for which I wrote the code in my script.

    I used the package with this DDQ task to run it against a set of 30 packages - which apart from generting info in the text file, was editing the package in an automated fashion based on additional information in my source excel file and saving the new version of the packages back to SQL Server or as files Structured Storage Files (with extension DTS). Such run took approx 2-3 minutes - each package had on average 8-12 tasks.

    I do not quote below all the details - but you will have an idea what needs to be done. If you are interested only and only at the DB

    being used - than you can limit your digging deep into DTS object model.

    You may still need to examine apart from the connections collection - ExecuteSQLTask, DatsDrivenQueryTask, DataPumpTask, DynamicPropertiesTask, ExecutePackageTask

    I will provide below some specific examples for some of these tasks.

    Create your output text file:

    set fs = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

    strFileOutSrce = strPath2Files & "" & RTRIM(DTSSource("PackageName")) & ".TXT"

    ' delete any existing output files

    fs.DeleteFile strFileOutSrce

    ' create output file

    Set fileOutSrce = fs.CreateTextFile(strFileOutSrce)

    Read your source table record


    Get the necessary parameters you may need to set up


    Load each package to memory:

    Set objPackage = CreateObject("DTS.Package2")

    ' assuming no passwords - and you defined all necessary variables from your source record

    ' I found if I declare the variable 'pUnkPersistStgOfHost' eg somewhere above DIM pUnkPersistStgOfHost

    ' and do not assign any value to it the statements below will work

    IF intDTSSQLStgFlag = DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection THEN

    objPackage.LoadFromSQLServer strServerName, , , intDTSSQLStgFlag,,,, strPackageName, pUnkPersistStgOfHost


    objPackage.LoadFromSQLServer strServerName, strServerUserName, strServerPassword, intDTSSQLStgFlag,,,, strPackageName, pUnkPersistStgOfHost

    END IF


    Traverse the Package object - its:



    For each objProperty in objPackage.Properties

    strName= objProperty.Name

    lngType= objProperty.Type

    blnGet = objProperty.Get

    blnSet = objProperty.Set

    IF blnGet THEN

    varValue = objProperty.Value


    varValue = "<< Cannot be read >>"

    END IF

    fileOutSrce.WriteLine WritePackagePropertyLines( _

    strName, _

    lngType, _

    blnGet, _

    blnSet, _

    varValue _




    collections (especially connections collection) - as Tasks using connections refer to it by ConnectionID to the Connections


    SourceConnectionID, DestinationConnectionID in DataDrivenQueryTask,


    ConnectionID in ExecuteSQL Task

    SourceQueryConnectionID in DynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment element of the DynamicPropertiesTaskAssignments collection of

    the DynamicPropertiesTask


    For each objConnection in objPackage.Connections

    strName = objConnection.Name

    strDescription = objConnection.Description

    intID = objConnection.ID

    strDataSource = objConnection.DataSource

    strCatalog = objConnection.Catalog

    strProviderID = objConnection.ProviderID

    strUserID = objConnection.UserID

    blnUseTrustedConnection = objConnection.UseTrustedConnection

    strLastOwnerTaskName = objConnection.LastOwnerTaskName

    intConnectionTimeOut = objConnection.ConnectionTimeOut

    fileOutSrce.WriteLine WriteConnectionsLines( _

    strName, _

    strDescription, _

    intID, _

    strDataSource, _

    strCatalog, _

    strProviderID, _

    strUserID, _

    blnUseTrustedConnection, _

    strLastOwnerTaskName, _

    intConnectionTimeOut _


    fileOutSrce.WriteLine WriteFooterConnections(strPackage)



    ' Traverse Global Variables


    For each objGlobalVariable in objPackage.GlobalVariables

    Set objGVProperties = objGlobalVariable.Properties

    Set objGVPropertyName = objGVProperties("Name")

    Set objGVPropertyValue = objGVProperties("Value")

    strName = objGVProperties("Name").Value

    strValue = objGVProperties("Value").Value

    fileOutSrce.WriteLine WriteGlobalVariablesLines( _

    strName, _

    strValue _




    ' then comes time to examine the tasks:


    For Each objTask in objPackage.Tasks

    ' here follows example what I was doing with DynamicPropertiesTask -'

    ' I copied as it is - and you can see that I was not only writing to text file what I know about the task but - if needed I was updating the

    ' task ( this was based on other parameters in my source excel file) and saving a new version of the edited package later on


    IF LEFT(objTask.Name, 33) = "DTSTask_DTSDynamicPropertiesTask_" THEN

    fileOutSrce.WriteLine WriteTaskHeader(strPackageName, objTask.Name, objTask.Description)

    set objCustomTask = objTask.CustomTask

    Set DynamicPropertiesTaskAssignments = objCustomTask.Assignments

    ka = 0

    For each TaskAssignment in DynamicPropertiesTaskAssignments

    ' write as we speak

    IF ka= 0 THEN

    fileOutSrce.WriteLine WriteDynamicPropertiesTaskAssignmentHeader(objTask.Name, DynamicPropertiesTaskAssignments.Count)

    END IF

    strDestinationPropertyID = TaskAssignment.DestinationPropertyID

    strSourceConstantValue = TaskAssignment.SourceConstantValue

    strSourceDataFileFileName = TaskAssignment.SourceDataFileFileName

    strSourceEnvironmentVariable = TaskAssignment.SourceEnvironmentVariable

    strSourceGlobalVariable = TaskAssignment.SourceGlobalVariable

    strSourceIniFileFileName = TaskAssignment.SourceIniFileFileName

    strSourceIniFileKey = TaskAssignment.SourceIniFileKey

    strSourceIniFileSection = TaskAssignment.SourceIniFileSection

    intSourceQueryConnectionID = TaskAssignment.SourceQueryConnectionID

    strSourceQuerySQL = TaskAssignment.SourceQuerySQL

    intSourceType = TaskAssignment.SourceType

    fileOutSrce.WriteLine WriteDynamicPropertiesTaskAssignmentLines( _

    strDestinationPropertyID , _

    intSourceType , _

    DefineDTPSourceType(intSourceType), _

    strSourceConstantValue , _

    strSourceDataFileFileName , _

    strSourceEnvironmentVariable, _

    strSourceGlobalVariable , _

    strSourceIniFileFileName , _

    strSourceIniFileKey , _

    strSourceIniFileSection , _

    intSourceQueryConnectionID , _

    strSourceQuerySQL _


    fileOutSrce.WriteLine strDTP_ASS_SEPARATOR

    ka = ka + 1

    'change if necessary assignment which is based on Query

    IF blnCommitChange THEN

    IF intSourceType = DTSDynamicPropertiesSourceType_Query THEN

    ' STOP

    strText2Change = TaskAssignment.SourceQuerySQL

    TaskAssignment.SourceQuerySQL = GetNewValue(strText2Change, arrStrFindRepl, strNeverReplace)

    END IF

    IF intSourceType = DTSDynamicPropertiesSourceType_Constant THEN


    strConstValue =TaskAssignment.SourceConstantValue

    'intVar = VarType(varValue)

    'IF intVar <> vbNull and intVar <> vbEmpty THEN ' as otherwise CSTr() will end up in run-time error

    strText2Change = CStr(strConstValue) ' it is string anyway

    strText2Change = GetNewValue(strText2Change, arrStrFindRepl, strNeverReplace)

    objGVPropertyValue.Value = strText2Change

    END IF

    IF intSourceType = DTSDynamicPropertiesSourceType_GlobalVariable THEN

    strGVName = TaskAssignment.SourceGlobalVariable

    For each objGlobalVariable in objPackage.GlobalVariables

    Set objGVProperties = objGlobalVariable.Properties

    Set objGVPropertyName = objGVProperties("Name")

    Set objGVPropertyValue = objGVProperties("Value")

    strName = objGVProperties("Name").Value

    ' if the global variable is this one

    IF objGVPropertyName.Value = strGVName THEN

    ' we do not want to change a name of the global variable being used - but just the value of it

    varValue = objGVProperties("Value").Value ' value of that global var

    intVar = VarType(varValue)

    IF intVar <> vbNull and intVar <> vbEmpty THEN ' as otherwise CSTr() will end up in run-time error

    strText2Change = CStr(varValue)

    strText2Change = GetNewValue(strText2Change, arrStrFindRepl, strNeverReplace)

    blnUpdateDPT = TRUE

    SELECT CASE intVar

    CASE vbString var2Write = CStr(strText2Change)

    CASE vbInteger var2Write = CInt(strText2Change)

    CASE vbSingle var2Write = CSng(strText2Change)

    CASE vbDouble var2Write = CDbl(strText2Change)

    CASE vbDate var2Write = CDate(strText2Change)

    CASE vbBoolean var2Write = CBool(strText2Change)

    CASE vbCurrency var2Write = CCur(strText2Change)

    CASE ELSE blnUpdateDPT = FALSE


    IF blnUpdateDPT THEN

    objGVPropertyValue.Value = var2Write

    END IF

    END IF

    END IF


    END IF

    END IF


    IF ka > 0 THEN

    fileOutSrce.WriteLine WriteFooterDynamicPropertiesTask(objTask.Name, objTask.Description)

    fileOutSrce.WriteLine strPKG_ITEM_SEPARATOR

    END IF

    END IF


    'another extract about DataDrivenQueryTask


    IF LEFT(objTask.Name, 31) = "DTSTask_DTSDataDrivenQueryTask_" THEN

    fileOutSrce.WriteLine WriteTaskHeader(strPackageName, objTask.Name, objTask.Description)

    set objCustomTask = objTask.CustomTask

    Set taskTransforms = objCustomTask.Transformations

    'strTrName = objTask.Transformations.Item(1).Name

    kt = 0 ' normally in my DDQtasks would be only one transform objct in the collection - but it handles multiple transform

    FOR each objTransform in taskTransforms

    ' strobjTransform = objTransform.Name - should be a name of the transformation

    IF kt = 0 THEN

    fileOutSrce.WriteLine WriteTransformationsHeader(objTransform.Name)

    END IF

    SET taskTransfSrceCols = objTransform.SourceColumns

    SET taskTransfDestCols = objTransform.DestinationColumns

    fileOutSrce.WriteLine WriteTransformationsLines(objTransform.Name , _

    objTransform.TransformServerProperties("Language") , _

    objTransform.TransformServerProperties("FunctionEntry"), _

    taskTransfSrceCols.Count, _

    taskTransfDestCols.Count _


    fileOutSrce.WriteLine objTransform.TransformServerProperties("Text")

    FOR jc = 1 TO taskTransfSrceCols.Count

    IF jc = 1 THEN

    fileOutSrce.WriteLine WriteTransformationsSourceColumnsHeader()

    END IF

    fileOutSrce.WriteLine WriteTransformationsColumnsLines( _

    taskTransfSrceCols.Item(jc).Name , _

    taskTransfSrceCols.Item(jc).Ordinal , _

    taskTransfSrceCols.Item(jc).ColumnID , _

    taskTransfSrceCols.Item(jc).DataType , _

    taskTransfSrceCols.Item(jc).Flags , _

    taskTransfSrceCols.Item(jc).Nullable , _

    taskTransfSrceCols.Item(jc).NumericScale, _

    taskTransfSrceCols.Item(jc).Precision , _

    taskTransfSrceCols.Item(jc).Size _


    fileOutSrce.WriteLine strPKG_ITEM_SEPARATOR


    FOR jc = 1 TO taskTransfDestCols.Count

    IF jc = 1 THEN

    fileOutSrce.WriteLine WriteTransformationsDestinColumnsHeader()

    END IF

    fileOutSrce.WriteLine WriteTransformationsColumnsLines( _

    taskTransfDestCols.Item(jc).Name , _

    taskTransfDestCols.Item(jc).Ordinal , _

    taskTransfDestCols.Item(jc).ColumnID , _

    taskTransfDestCols.Item(jc).DataType , _

    taskTransfDestCols.Item(jc).Flags , _

    taskTransfDestCols.Item(jc).Nullable , _

    taskTransfDestCols.Item(jc).NumericScale, _

    taskTransfDestCols.Item(jc).Precision , _

    taskTransfDestCols.Item(jc).Size _


    fileOutSrce.WriteLine strPKG_ITEM_SEPARATOR


    kt = kt + 1


    IF kt > 0 THEN

    fileOutSrce.WriteLine WriteFooterTransformations(objTask.Name, objTask.Description)

    fileOutSrce.WriteLine strPKG_ITEM_SEPARATOR

    END IF

    END IF


    'for examining lookups collections

    set objCustomTask = objTask.CustomTask

    Set taskLookups = objCustomTask.Lookups

    ic = 0

    FOR each objLookup in taskLookups

    IF ic =0 THEN

    fileOutSrce.WriteLine WriteLookUpsHeader(strPackageName, objTask.Name, objTask.Description)

    END IF

    strLookUpName= objLookup.Name

    intConnectionID= objLookup.ConnectionID

    intMaxCacheRows= objLookup.MaxCacheRows

    strLookUpQuery = objLookup.Query

    fileOutSrce.WriteLine WriteLookUpsLines( strLookUpName, _

    intConnectionID, _

    intMaxCacheRows _


    fileOutSrce.WriteLine strLookUpQuery

    fileOutSrce.WriteLine WriteLookupsFooter(strLookUpName)

    ic = ic + 1



    ' cleaning up


    ' close the text file



    You get the idea. You can expand it or limit it to what you want.

    Ask if you need any more clarification or details.

    The VBScript code extracts are from the real life working package

    and I can provide example of the text files output of this code.

    If somebody is interested.

    For clarity I omitted on purpose any code which actually writes to the text file

    i.e functions referenced above like





    and other

    I hope that it will be readable as the preview mode only show the beginning of the long post.

    And I did not have too much time to review and edit the text.

    - Tom.

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