Search in DTS

  • Hello

    is there any way to perform search for the word in DTS?

    I have to go over a lot of servers and check many DTS to find which accessing one specific server. I would search for the name of this server


    Thank you in advance

  • dts packages are stored in binary format inside of sql server.

    You can use the SQL-DMO to walk the server, packages and connections to find the  connections you are looking for.

    You'll need the DTS.Application Object to get to the SQL Server dts package repository; use the EnumPackageInfos method to read the list of dts packages on the server; Package Object (look under Package Objects, Package in BOL). Use the LoadFromSQLServer() method to retieve a package from sql server.

    The DTS samples that come with sql install are a great place to start. there's some code in there for accessing dtspackages with  sql-dmo.


    Julian Kuiters

  • I just submitted a script that makes this easy.


    Search for it or here it is:


    '  Author: Darren Gordon

    '  Purpose:  To script all of your DTS packages out to text files. 

    '  This is useful if you want to search all packages to find

    '  a specific string.  All text from execute SQL tasks and

    '  activex scripts is included in the output files.


    '  Notes: Set your servername and output folder at the top of

    '  the script.  Also set integrated security on or off.


    Function Main()

    dim sServername

    sServername = "MyServerName"  '<<<<<<<<<<<<< SET YOUR SERVERNAME HERE! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    dim DestinationFolder      '<<<<<<<<<<<<< Specify an output folder! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    DestinationFolder = "C:\Documents and Settings\darreng\My Documents\SQL BACKUPS\DTS\" & sServername & "\" & GetDate(Now, "")  & "\"

    dim bIntegratedSecurity     

    bIntegratedSecurity=TRUE     '***NOTE: If you use standard security, set this to false and specify a username and password below

    dim sLogin

    sLogin = ""  

    dim sPassword

    sPassword = ""

     dim DocFilename

     Dim FileSys

     set FileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")


     Dim Docfile

     Dim oApplication   ' As DTS.Application

     Dim oPackageSQLServer  ' As DTS.PackageSQLServer

     Dim oPackageInfos   ' As DTS.PackageInfos

     Dim oPackageInfo     ' As DTS.PackageInfo

     Dim oPackage           ' As DTS.Package

     Set oApplication = CreateObject("DTS.Application")

     if bIntegratedSecurity then

      Set oPackageSQLServer = oApplication.GetPackageSQLServer(sServername,"" ,"" , DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection)


      Set oPackageSQLServer = oApplication.GetPackageSQLServer(sServername, sLogin, sPassword, 0)

     end if

     Set oPackageInfos = oPackageSQLServer.EnumPackageInfos("", True, "")

     Set oPackageInfo = oPackageInfos.Next

    'Note: It is IMPORTANT that oPackage be instantiated and destroyed within the loop. Otherwise,

    'previous package info will be carried over and snowballed into a bigger package every time

    'this loop is run. That is NOT what you want.

     Do Until oPackageInfos.EOF

      Set oPackage = CreateObject("DTS.Package2")


      if bIntegratedSecurity then

       oPackage.LoadFromSQLServer sServername, , ,DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection , , , , oPackageInfo.Name



       oPackage.LoadFromSQLServer sServername, sLogin, sPassword,DTSSQLStgFlag_Default , , , , oPackageInfo.Name

      end if

      DocFilename = DestinationFolder & oPackageInfo.Name & ".txt"

      If  FileSys.FileExists(DocFileName) Then FileSys.DeleteFile(DocFileName)

      FileSys.CreateTextFile (DocFileName)

      set Docfile = FileSys.OpenTextFile (DocFileName,2)

      dim oTasks, oProperties

      Set oTasks = oPackage.Tasks

      For each oTask in oTasks

       DocFile.write (vbCrLf)

       DocFile.write (vbCrLf)

       DocFile.write ("-----TaskDescription:"  & oTask.Description)

       Set oProperties = oTask.Properties

       For Each oProperty In oProperties

        If mid(oTask.Description,1,6) <> mid(StepName,1,6) then

           DocFile.write (vbCrLf)

           DocFile.write ("PropertyName: " &  oProperty.Name & " Value="  & oProperty.Value)

        end if




      Set DocFile = Nothing

      Set oTasks = Nothing

      Set oProperties = Nothing

      '**** If you want to actually do something to each package (like turn on logging for example) and save them, you could do this here

      'oPackage.LogToSQLServer = True

      'oPackage.LogServerName = sServername

      'oPackage.LogServerUserName = sLogin

      'oPackage.LogServerPassword = sPassword

      'oPackage.LogServerFlags = 0

      'oPackage.SaveToSQLServer sServername, sLogin, sPassword, DTSSQLStgFlag_Default

      Set oPackage = Nothing

      Set oPackageInfo = oPackageInfos.Next


    'Clean up and free resources

     Set oApplication = Nothing

     Set oPackageSQLServer = Nothing

     Set oPackageInfos = Nothing

     Set oPackageInfo = Nothing

     Set oPackage = Nothing

     Set FileSys = Nothing

     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    Function GetDate(dateVal, delimiter)

     'To comply with Option Explict

     Dim dateMonth, dateDay


     dateVal = CDate(dateVal)

      ' Converts the dateVal parameter to a date.

      ' This will cause an error and cause the function

      ' to exit if the value passed is not a real date.


     delimiter = CStr(delimiter)

      ' Converts the delimiter parameter, which designates

      ' the delimiting character between the datepart values

      ' to a string value.  If you don't want a delimiting

      ' character, (such as / or -) then you'd simply pass

      ' in an empty string for this parameter.



     dateMonth = Month(dateVal)

      dateDay   = Day(dateVal)


     GetDate = CStr(Year(dateVal)) & delimiter


     If dateMonth < 10 Then

      GetDate = GetDate & "0"

     End If


     GetDate = GetDate & CStr(dateMonth) & delimiter

     If dateDay < 10 Then

      GetDate = GetDate & "0"

     End If


     GetDate = GetDate & CStr(dateDay)


    End Function


    Function MakeSureDirectoryTreeExists(dirName)


     Dim oFS, aFolders, newFolder, i

     Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

     ' Check the folder's existence

     If Not oFS.FolderExists(dirName) Then

      ' Split the various components of the folder's name

      aFolders = split(dirName, "\")

      ' Get the root of the drive

      newFolder = oFS.BuildPath(aFolders(0), "\")

      ' Scan the various folder and create them

      For i = 1 To UBound(aFolders)

       newFolder = oFS.BuildPath(newFolder, aFolders(i))

       If Not oFS.FolderExists(newFolder) Then

        oFS.CreateFolder newFolder

       End If


     End If

     Set oFS = Nothing

    End Function

  • Hello,

    I've tried using you very lovely script but am getting an 'Invalid Class String' error after 71 (or 176) dts packages have been successfully scripted.

    I can't seem to determine the order in which the dts packages are scripted though, in order to determine which package is causing the error.

    It doesn't appear to be working in name or date order - Do you have any suggestions?





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