Search if IP is in range

  • I need to create a table of locations and ip ranges. The main aim is to link an host to the place.

    I have 2 problem to solve

    1) given a range ( and a ipaddress ( how do i check if the given ip is in the range?

    2)how do i order ip addresses? My idea would be to transform ipaddresses to biginteger --> 176397079

    This is how i intend to proceed

    1) create a table





    2) create an UDF that, given an ip address returns a bigint

    3) location and range come from another application, upon insertion a trigger is fired to complete the row with calculated fields (lowip, lowip10, upip and upip10)

    4) whenever i need to look up in the table, the application connects to the db and run a query like

    select location from table where udf(givenip)>=LOWIP10 and udf(givenip)=<UPIP10

    Ok, i see yor puzzled faces..what do i need?? 😛

    a) what do you think? How would you solve this?

    b) help for the UDF

  • I think this may already cover what you are talking about:



    Thanks a lot 😉

  • You are very welcome.. No need to re-invent the wheel..


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