Search for an Underscore

  • Okay, here's a dumb question that I can't believe I haven't been able to figure out on my own...

    How do I search a column for a text string that contains an underscore?






    select *

    from tablename

    where column1 like '%_%'

    I want this to return the 8343_1 & 2155_2. But it is using the underscore as a wildcard.

    Can someone please provide the correct syntax?

    Thank you.

  • Try this:

    select column1


    ( select '8343_1'

    union all select '3327'

    union all select '4362'

    union all select '2155_2' ) tablename (column1)

    where column1 like '%[_]%'

    Enclose your _ with [ and ] to make _ an wildcard in your search, if you are using LIKE operator.

    Else u could use CHARINDEX:

    select column1


    ( select '8343_1'

    union all select '3327'

    union all select '4362'

    union all select '2155_2' ) tablename (column1)

    where charindex('_' ,column1 ) > 0

    The disadvantage of this is, CHARINDEX might not use any indexes that are present over Column1.

    Else, u can use PATINDEX:

    select column1


    ( select '8343_1'

    union all select '3327'

    union all select '4362'

    union all select '2155_2' ) tablename (column1)

    where patindex('%[_]%' ,column1 ) > 0

    Again PATINDEX is unlikely to use any indexes, if i am not wrong..

    Hope this helps!

  • Yes, that is perfect. Thank you!

  • Or escape the character

    select column1


    ( select '8343_1'

    union all select '3327'

    union all select '4362'

    union all select '2155_2' ) tablename (column1)

    where column1 like '%/_%' ESCAPE '/'

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

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