Search ALL StoredProcs for a variable -- Please HELP

  • How can I find all StoredProcs that have "SHIPPING_TOTAL" text ?

    I did the following and know at least 3 of my StoredProcs should display in the results, however none did.

    1. Query Analyser

    2. Tools

    3. Object Search

    4. New

    5. Find "SHIPPING_TOTAL" in all StoredProcs

    Please help.

  • Don't know why you didn't have success with the methods you mention, but try this:

    declare @sql varchar(400)

    set @sql='select ''?''as dbname;select * from information_schema.routines

    where charindex(''shipping_total'',specific_name) 0'

    exec sp_msforeachdb @sql

    (Assuming you want to search all databases in a particular SQL Server occurrence.)

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Just to clarify here a little.  Are you searching for a procedure with 'SHIPPING_TOTAL' in the name or in the text of the stored procedure?  Also, is you server case-sensitive?  Do you want to see all case variations of this?

    Derrick Leggett
    Mean Old DBA
    When life gives you a lemon, fire the DBA.

  • text of StoredProc

    yes, would like to see all case variations

  • take a look at : 

    Keep in mind that this will not work on encrypted procs in the system.

    If you are only looking for the sp's parameters, then you can query the [INFORMATION_SCHEMA].[PARAMETERS] systemview.




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  • If you are trying to find any procs that mention SHIPPING_TOTAL try the following:


    FROM  sysobjects SO

    JOIN  syscomments SC

    ON =



  • Hello,

    Hope this is the solution that u r looking for


    FROM  sysobjects SO

    JOIN  syscomments SC

    ON =

    WHERE  SC.text LIKE '%SHIPPING_TOTAL%' and so.xtype='P'


    Nivedita Sundar.N

  • Syscomments has a limitation of 4000 characters. You can use the script below. Paste it into a file and name it procedure.vbs(or anything else) and pass the parameters to the script to execute.

    i.e. procedure servername username password database text_to_find

    It will dump the output in a file called output.txt under the same location.

    dim osqlserver

    dim odatabase

    dim sSQLserver

    dim susername

    dim spassword

    dim var_find

    ssqlserver = wscript.arguments(0)

    susername = wscript.arguments(1)

    spassword = wscript.arguments(2)

    sdatabase = wscript.arguments(3)

    if wscript.arguments.count > 4 then

    var_find = wscript.arguments(4)


    var_find = ""

    end if

    set osqlserver = createobject("SQLDMO.SQLServer")

    set odatabase = createobject("SQLDMO.database")

    dim fs

    set fs = createobject("Scripting.filesystemobject")

    dim output

    set output = fs.createtextfile("output.txt",true)

    osqlserver.connect  sSQLServer, susername, spassword

    set odatabase = osqlserver.databases(sdatabase)

    for each storedprocedure in odatabase.storedprocedures

    if instr(1,storedprocedure.text,var_find,1) > 0 then

    output.writeline (storedprocedure.text)

    end if


  • you don't need to join to sysobjects to get the name:


    select object_name(id) from syscomments

    where text like '%[text]%'


    'Nuff Said..

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