Search all databases on one server instance to find a specific view

  • When I log into my instance of SQL Server, there are many databases. I'm trying to find a specific view, but I don't know which database it is in.

    I have used

    Select * FROM  INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS but that is when I know the database name.  We have more than 20 databases in my instance.

    Is there a way to search all the databases to find a specific "view"?


    Thank you,


  • This may give you an idea... I dumped the result of the query into a temporary table. (Not sure how to parameterize the object name, for some reason.)

    CREATE TABLE #DBList(dbname NVARCHAR(50));

    DECLARE @command2 VARCHAR(1000)
    SELECT @command2 = 'USE ? select DB_NAME(DB_ID(''?'')) FROM sysobjects where xtype = ''V'' AND name LIKE ''vwB%'' ';

    INSERT INTO #DBList(dbname)
    exec sp_msforeachdb @command2;

    SELECT *
    FROM #DBList;
  • This may give you an idea... I dumped the result of the query into a temporary table. (Not sure how to parameterize the object name, for some reason.)

    CREATE TABLE #DBList(dbname NVARCHAR(50));

    DECLARE @command2 VARCHAR(1000)
    SELECT @command2 = 'USE ? select DB_NAME(DB_ID(''?'')) FROM sysobjects where xtype = ''V'' AND name LIKE ''vwB%'' ';

    INSERT INTO #DBList(dbname)
    exec sp_msforeachdb @command2;

    SELECT *
    FROM #DBList;
  • Humm... I couldn't get it to work.  You gave: 'USE ? select DB_NAME(DB_ID(''?''))

    But I don't know the database name. The server has many databases. I want to search all the databases in the server to find a specific "view".   Please, what am I missing?




  • the  sp_foreachdb  part?

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